Warsaw hosted Baptist leadership conference with international guests

Around 70 people from 10 countries came to Poland.

Remek Neumann

WARSAW · 28 JUNE 2023 · 11:00 CET


On June 15-17, the centre of the Baptist Christian Church in Warsaw (Poland) hosted the convention of the Future Leadership Foundation, a partner of the Polish Baptist Union in many projects.

“Celebrating cooperation - creating partnerships” was the motto of the conference.

The conference began with a visit to the former Nazi concentration camp in Oświęcim. On Thursday morning, a large group of participants visited the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

According to Wichary: “The convention ended with a common Lord's Supper on Saturday, and on Sunday many of the participants went to services at four Baptist churches in Warsaw and Otwock. Some of them ministering with songs, testimonies and sermons.”

Warsaw hosted Baptist leadership conference with international guests

The convention ended with a common Lord's Supper on Saturday.

Around 70 people from 10 countries came to Poland, including El Salvador (Latin America), Tanzania (Africa), Israel and the United States.

According to Mateusz Wichary, president of the Polish Baptis Union, Europe was “the best represented by participants from England, Moldova, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland”.

Polish representatives included the Rector of the Higher Baptist Theological Seminary and the chairman of the Church Council.

Future Leadership Foundation cooperates with the Baptist Church in Poland, in many Ukrainian projects and missions in Zelów, and the Tanzanian branch of the Polish seminar.

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