UK-EU referendum on Thursday: ‘Pray for wisdom’

On Thursday 23 June, the citizens of the UK will decide if they remain in the European Union. 7 Christians organisations share a joint prayer. Several authors have published biblical perspectives at Evangelical Focus.

Evangelical Focus

LONDON · 20 JUNE 2016 · 10:53 CET

A sample of the ballot paper which voters use at the referendum. / Wikimedia,ballot, referendum, vote
A sample of the ballot paper which voters use at the referendum. / Wikimedia

After months of debate, weeks of campaigning, and the sad death of an MP, the time has come for the UK citizens to breath deeply, take a decision and vote in the referendum.

“We pray that God may give wisdom to all those eligible to vote in the referendum and to those who govern us, as they respond to the outcome”, 7 Christian organisations working in the British public arena wrote in a joint document.

 “We thank God for the historic and present influence of the gospel, and the freedoms that it has brought.” 

All churches are called to pray for what needs to happen after the vote. “We pray that, whatever the outcome of the referendum, God might preserve the freedom to proclaim the gospel, to live according to his ways, to demonstrate his love and to serve others.”


UK-EU referendum on Thursday: ‘Pray for wisdom’

"So at this time of national debate and decision, we continue to pray, as our Saviour Jesus Christ taught us, that our Father's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

The organisations sharing this prayer are CARE, Christian Concern, The Christian Institute, Christian Medical Fellowship, Jubilee Centre, Kirby Laing Institute and the Lawyer’s Christian Fellowship.




In the last weeks, Evangelical Focus has published the views of several authors:

In or out: How should Christians approach the EU Referendum? Jim Memory.

Nationalism, Patriotism and Christianity. Jeff Fountain

The Big IssEU. Guy Brandon

British EU Referendum: 3 things we need to take into account. Jonathan Tame

Interview Jonathan Tame: “There is little thoughtful biblical teaching on the EU and Britain’s membership”. Evangelical Focus

Interview Jim Memory: “Euroscepticism makes some Christians blind to the mission challenge on their doorstep”. Evangelical Focus

Report: How should Christians approach the EU referendum? Interview Michael Gowen and Julia Doxat-Purser. Evangelical Focus


More contents related to the referendum can be found here.

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