Christian social justice organisations in Europe worked on the need for jobs for people in extreme poverty

The Eurodiaconia event in Santander brought together experts and non-profit organisations from a range of countries, which shared about their best practices.

Evangelical Focus

Eurodiaconia, Protestante Digital · SANTANDER · 11 OCTOBER 2024 · 12:57 CET

Reunión de la Red sobre Empleo y Pobreza Extrema, Santander./ Photo: <a target="_blank" href=""> AsociaciónNueva Vida</a>.,
Reunión de la Red sobre Empleo y Pobreza Extrema, Santander./ Photo: AsociaciónNueva Vida.

A network of churches and Christian NGOs providing social and healthcare in European countries gathered in Santander (Spain) to collaborate on their efforts to offer employment to people in a situation of “extreme destitution”.

The aim of the Eurodiaconia network meeting on 24 and 25 September was to “visibilise realities and propose effective solutions”, said Julio David García, manager of the Christian NGO Nueva Vida (New Life), which hosted the meetings

Nueva Vida, born in 1998 in the context of an evangelical church, was one of the cases studies analysed. Representatives of churches and Christian NGOs visited Nuvitex, a textile company that training and promotes labour insertion of vulnerable people, especially women survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation; and Casa de Renedo, a shelter that provides comprehensive social care to homeless people and those deprived of their liberty.

Proposals for the “socio-occupational insertion of vulnerable groups” were addressed during the gathering by Christian organisations in Finland, Latvia, Serbia and Slovakia.

Additionally, members of the University of Luxembourg shared findings about “in-work poverty” in Europe regions.

Christian social justice organisations in Europe worked on the need for jobs for people in extreme poverty

A visit to Nuvitex, a garments business integrating people who have suffered social exclusion. / Eurodiaconia.

The cost-of-living crisis, says Eurodiaconia, has led to a “shrinking of the disposable income” for thousands of families and individuals. “Despite having a job, their income might not be enough to make ends meet and break the cycle of poverty”, they say.

The plan for the two days of work included the exchange of best practices, a discussion of challenges in Europe, and the development of policy recommendations.

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