Evangelicals tell United Nations Iran should stop prosecuting Christians on false charges

“We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government”, Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told the UN Human Rights Council.

Evangelical Focus

WEA · GENEVA · 11 JULY 2018 · 09:00 CET

Dabrina Bet Tamraz spoke on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance at the 38th regular assembly of the Un Human Rights Council. / WEA_UN,
Dabrina Bet Tamraz spoke on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance at the 38th regular assembly of the Un Human Rights Council. / WEA_UN

On 27 June 2018, at the 38th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, Dabrina Bet Tamraz spoke on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance.

She appealed to the Iranian government to stop prosecuting Christians under false and baseless charges, and to respect the religious freedom of its citizens.

Dabrina’s father, pastor Victor Bet Tamraz, her brother Ramiel, and her mother Shamiram Isavi, are among many being prosecuted for “acting against national security and against the Iranian government by organizing illegal gatherings, attending a seminary abroad and training church leaders and pastors to act as spies”.

Watch the video:

Bet Tamraz said: “There are many Christians in Iran serving sentences under baseless accusations. This is wrong, and these court cases must stop”.

“We, Iranian Christians, are not terrorists”, she added. “As my father said in the last court hearing, and I repeat: ‘We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government’”.

“The World Evangelical Alliance appeals the Iranian government to stop prosecuting Christians on false and baseless accusations and charges, and to respect the freedom of religion of its citizens”.

Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Evangelicals tell United Nations Iran should stop prosecuting Christians on false charges