Romanian Christians fight human trafficking at Timisoara airport

The project installed 10 video monitors in waiting areas with short messages to prevent exploitation. Nearly 80% of European victims of human trafficking come from Romania.

Evangelical Focus

Alfa Omega TV · Timisoara · 16 MAY 2024 · 16:49 CET

The presentation of the project was attended by the director of the airport, Romanian government officials, and representatives of WorldTeach and partners. / <a target="_blank" href="">WorldTeach Romania</a>. ,
The presentation of the project was attended by the director of the airport, Romanian government officials, and representatives of WorldTeach and partners. / WorldTeach Romania.

The Romanian association WorldTeach has launched a campaign to prevent and raise awareness about human trafficking, along with Christian organisation Uncaged, and in partnership with the Timisoara International airport.

The project started at the end of 2023 in the Bucharest airport, and it aims to continue in 16 airports and over 200 train stations in Romania, as well as in Romanian hospitals and schools.

During the 12 months of the partnership, WorldTeach will carry out information and training actions for the general public on human trafficking.

Romanian Christians fight human trafficking at Timisoara airport

  The project installed 10 video monitors in waiting areas with short messages to prevent exploitation. / WorldTeach Romania


“Christians are ready and willing to intervene”

According to several studies, nearly 80% of victims of human trafficking in Europe come from Romania.

That is why “this project is particularly important because it makes Romanian society aware of one of the greatest plagues of our times, in which, unfortunately, Romanians are at the top”, underlined Ionel Tuțac of WorldTeach Timișoara.

“By developing this project, people can understand that their lives are in danger as long as they do not take into account who you befriend, who you travel with, or how you respond to some tempting offers you receive from some people in the country or abroad”, he added.

Furthermore, the project has “faithful, Christian people all over the country and Europe ready and willing to intervene, to show the love of Christ to people who need saving, who need restoration”, explained Beniamin Lup, European director of WorldTeach.

He warned that “our girls, our granddaughters, our children are being recruited through the media, video chat, electronic games in schools and even in churches. We are now going into schools and churches, we are going into public institutions and warning about the danger of human trafficking”.

Jessica Martin, worker of Uncaged, concluded: “We know that God cares for each of us, and we hope to help children, women and men see themselves as valuable as God created them to be, and to not get snatched in the trap of trafficking and to know that He has a plan for them”.


State partnership

The objectives of the partnership were recently presented during a launch event held at the Timișoara airport, which was attended by the director of the airport, Daniel Stamatovici, Romanian government officials and representatives of WorldTeach and its partners.

“We are always open to such partnerships that can bring welfare or protection in all that concerns people in the western part of the country”, said Stamatovici.

As part of the partnership with the airport, 10 video monitors were installed in the waiting areas, with short audio messages informing about prevention and protection against abuse and the tactics of traffickers, as well as promoting good conduct and passenger safety.

“I have never found more understanding from the Romanian state authorities than now. They feel the need to do something”, said Beniamin Lup during the presentation.

Ionel Tuțac pointed out that they were “particularly grateful to the ministry of transport and communications”.

Romanian Christians fight human trafficking at Timisoara airport

  The project has a telephone line for anyone who wants to call and is in danger can do so. / WorldTeach Romania


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