4 years of Evangelical Focus

Europe is going through major changes. Our aim is to look at the key issues in our continent from a biblical perspective.

Evangelical Focus

08 JANUARY 2019 · 09:15 CET

The Mediterranean sea. / Unsplash (CC0),
The Mediterranean sea. / Unsplash (CC0)

Evangelical Focus turns 4 today.

This media project may seem young, but much has happened since we first launched this website on January 8, 2015.

As we look back, we thank God for how He has used our efforts to offer information about current issues in Europe with a Christian perspective.

The continent is going through major changes, and the aim of our team of journalists has been to look at the major themes from a biblical perspective.

The challenges to religious freedom, the rise of populism, the situation of refugees, the debates around sexual identity, and the initiatives of local churches have been some of the most discussed themes in these last 12 months.

In these four years online, we have published 3,750 news and opinion articles. A network of 225 authors from all across Europe and other parts of the world have contributed to this platform so far, as well as many translators.

Since its launch in 2015, the readership of Evangelical Focus has grown steadily. In the last 12 months, this site had 300,000 visits (+15%), the best year so far.


The vision for this media project remains the same as in the beginning. Evangelical Focus exists:

1- To give a voice to evangelical Christians who often are not heard.

2- To build bridges between churches and society. Helping Christians understand the current issues happening around them, and helping non-believers to understand what Christians offer to society.

3- To do journalism which fits into God’s mission in Europe.


We encourage you to:

- Join other 800 people receiving our daily newsletter with the latest contents published.

- Send your own local news and articles to readersblog(at)evangelicalfocus.com.

- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Youtube.

We value the opinion of all of you who read our contents. We invite you to send your feedback and suggestions to office(at)evangelicalfocus.com



This project was born in a digital context in which it is a real challenge to run quality journalistic projects on a low budget.

We are working on making our work sustainable in the long term, and encourage all our readers to join us. There are several options through which you can help make Evangelical Focus sustainable: Start by giving 1€/month.

Thank you for your support in these first 4 years!

Published in: Evangelical Focus - Editorial - 4 years of Evangelical Focus