‘Revive Europe’ in Krakow: Young adults from 89 countries will pray that “God would send revival”
The team behind the end-of-year gathering for thousands of Generation Z young adults longs to see “personal revivals for the love of Jesus”. Director Sarah Breuel points out “the huge difference between consecration and legalism”.
KRAKOW · 16 DECEMBER 2024 · 12:06 CET

Thousands of Gen Z Christians from Europe and other regions of the world are getting ready to travel to Krakow (south of Poland) to attend the ‘Revive Europe’ conference.
Between 28 December and 1 January, a festive atmosphere in the large Tauron Arena will host four days of Bible teaching, testimonies, prayer, times of worship, and seminars on relevant topics.
The goals are “to prepare the way for a move of God among university students in Europe with prayer, consecration, and equipping students for evangelism”, the organisers say.
Based on a verse in the book of Isaiah (“Make straight in the desert a highway for our Lord”), the team of over forty people from diverse church backgrounds and nationalities is calling Europeans to “posture our hearts for revival, seeking greater understanding of God through His word, a deeper relationship in prayer, and spiritual growth alongside His people”.
The faith of young adults in a secularised context
“Europe, often seen as the most secular continent, faces the challenge of slow Christian growth and widespread spiritual apathy. By echoing John the Baptist’s call for repentance and bold witness, this year’s theme highlights the urgent need for personal, corporate and continent-wide revival”, they explain.
Some of the challenges faced now by many young adults in Europe who identify as Christians include “the perception of Christianity as irrelevant or outdated in a secularized society”. Many “fear of rejection or criticism in environments where faith is unwelcome or misunderstood”.
Another challenge is “navigating identity and purpose amidst competing cultural narratives that challenge biblical values”.
In this context, the ‘Revive’ movement seeks to create personal connections and networks in Europe for people with the same spiritual hunger.
Members of the Revive 24 team outside the Tauron Arena in Krakow, Poland. / Photo: Revive Europe.
Reigniting Europe’s spiritual influence
Speakers will include John Lennox (Oxford professor), Christine Caine (evangelist and justice advocate), Pete Greig (24-7 Prayer); Julia Garschagen (Pontes Institute), Luke Greenwood (Steiger) and Sarah Breuel (Revive Europe).
The dream of ‘Revive Europe’ is to see an impact beyond the borders of the old continent. “Europe has the potential to play a pivotal role in a global revival by reigniting its historical position as a spiritual and cultural influencer. If revival spreads across the continent, the movement could inspire other regions through the example of young people embracing their faith in challenging secular contexts and impacting every sphere of society”.
Questions for Sarah Breuel
Two weeks prior to the conference, executive director Sarah Breuel expressed her feelings in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
Question. What major crises do you see in Europe to which the Gospel provides satisfactory answers?
Answer. The war in Ukraine has had devastating impact in our continent. At the same time, the boldness of Ukrainian Christians in sharing the gospel in the midst of the war has been utterly inspiring. It will be an honor to host Ukrainian students and young adults during Revive and learn from their immense trials!
Mental illness is also a major challenge in our time. Walking closely with Jesus in whatever we are going through, finding comfort, freedom and peace in Him is our only hope!
The LGTBQ topic is also a major pressing theme for Christians in University as they talk with their friends. We are looking forward to equipping students through seminar in a loving and Bible centered way of navigating this important discussion in our generation.
Q. What specific initiative in Europe related to Revive has encouraged you most this year 2024?
A. Being part of all all-night prayer (from 7pm to 7am) in London with 1000 students and young adults in May 2024 has marked us forever! Here is a taste of their joyful and bold worship after 11 hours at 6am at this point. God is truly moving in this generation; the hunger is tangible. And we believe God is just getting started!
Q. People often think of the need for personal revival because they feel guilty of leading an ‘unspiritual’ life. How would you encourage revival in a joyful way?
A. There is a huge difference between consecration and legalism. When we are in love, we do whatever we can do please the one we love as an overflowing of what is happening in our hearts! That is the call for personal revival, because of love for Jesus, to get rid of anything that is not pleasing to Him so He can have more room in our hearts. Is a joyful pursuit out of an encounter with the One who utterly loves us.
Q. How can others pray for you as a team in these last 15 days before the start of the gathering?
A. Pray that the team will continue to be sensitive to any guidance from Jesus as we do our best to prepare a Program that sets the table for God to move.
Prayer for protection over the team who in the last days has been experiencing attacks in various fronts: health (one of them was in the ER this week), relationships in the midst of pressure, and perseverance to tackle the various challenges that come with such a strategic gathering
Prayer for provision and we have given hundreds of scholarships for participants from Ukraine, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, etc., and are fundraising for our final needs to make sure everyone is able to come.
For more information, visit the website of Revive Europe 2024 and the conference’s Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook profiles.
One more year
Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - ‘Revive Europe’ in Krakow: Young adults from 89 countries will pray that “God would send revival”