The project

Evangelical Focus is a news website with a Christian perspective on current issues in Europe to help build bridges between evangelical churches and all of society. Evangelical Focus, Protestante Digital (Spain) and Evangélico Digital (Latin America) are members of Areópago Protestante. This is our history:


Protestante Digital is launched in Spain.

A pioneer online project to connect with the Spanish society from an evangelical faith perspective.



Protestante Digital grows its media presence. Thousands of users from the Spanish and Latin American context visit the website every day. Contents are now updated three times a week.


Daily news

Protestante Digital starts producing contents every day and expands its core team.


Evangelical Focus is launched.

A project for Europe, in English. The aim is to give a voice to evangelical Christians in the continent, building bridges between church and society.


Evangélico Digital is launched.

A news and opinion project for and from Latin America.

The team

These are the people working to offer daily journalistic contents for Evangelical Focus, Protestante Digital and Evangélico Digital.

Pedro Tarquis

General Director of Areópago Protestante

Medical doctor and vocational journalist. I embrace a faith that thinks and a reason that believes. It is a dream come true to see this project grow with this team of people - an exciting journey with inspiring challenges.

Pedro Tarquis

Joel Forster

Director of Evangelical Focus

I am a journalist living in Valencia (Spain). My aim is to contribute to God’s mission through journalism, encouraging Christians to build bridges with the society around us.

Joel Forster

Belén Díaz

Staff writer at Evangelical Focus

Thankful that I can make a profession out of my vocation. My hope is that we can be a light for society giving a biblical perspective and a voice to the body of Christ.

Belén Díaz

Daniel Hofkamp

Director of Protestante Digital

I am a journalist and live in Galicia (Spain). I believe in team work and what thrills me is to help evangelicals bring light into society.

Daniel Hofkamp

Jonatán Soriano

Staff writer at Protestante Digital

I decided I wanted to be a journalist when I was 6 years old. I am from Tarragona, in Spain. I believe journalism is a tool that God can use to change the world.

Jonatán Soriano


In addition to the core team, dozens of contributors make Evangelical Focus a plural and open media platform. Learn more by visiting the

“Authors” section.

Luisa Cañón


Carla Suárez




Marina Acuña

UX/UI Design

Enrique García

Technical advisor

Pablo Martínez Vila


Psychiatrist, author and international speaker, Pablo has been part of this project since its inception.

Pablo Martínez

EF Reference Committee

The reference Committee is the Board of Directors of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance. It is in charge of advising the management in the fulfillment of the objectives of the project.

Marcos Zapata

X. Manuel Suarez

Antonio Simoni

Amable Morales

Daniel Oval

Juan Carlos Parra

Francisca Capa

Pedro Tarquis