1. Corporative information
Complying with the Law 34/2002 of 11 July (SPAIN), of Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE informs you that it is the owner of the website: In accordance to Article 10 of the aforementioned law, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE notifies the following data: the owner of this website is AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, with NIF/CIF: G-65399669. Private entity: AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE with Register number 597222 and social address: SANTA OTILIA 27-29, ESC-A, LOC-1, Postal Code: 08032, Municipality: BARCELONA, Province: BARCELONA, Country: SPAIN. The email address of contact is:
2. Regime of User and Responsibilities
The browsing through access or use of the website y and its sub-domains and directories, as well as the services or contents that can be obtained through it and all the portals of the domain under the ownership of AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, give the Condition of USER. The user accepts, when he/she navigates the website of AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, all the conditions of use that are established here without being prejudicial to the applications of the corresponding normative of legal compliance. Therefore, if the detailed consideration in these Legal Warning are not of your acceptance, we ask you not to use this portal, since every use of this website and/or its services and contents implies the acceptance of the legal terms summarised in this text.
This website of AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE provides a large diversity of information, services and data. The user assumes the responsibility of a correct use of the website. This responsibility includes: the veracity and lawfulness of the information given by the user in the forms issued by AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE to access to certain contents or services offered by the website.
The use of information, services and data offered by AREOPAGO PROESTANTE will not go against the conditions mentioned in this text, the law, the morality, the good practices and the public order; or against the rights of third parties or the functioning of the websites. Therefore, the user will abstain from using any of the contents of this website with illicit aims or effects, forbidden in this text, which attempt against the rights of third parties, or which may damage, render, over-charge, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the contents, other users, or of any other internet user (hardware or software).
Users will answer for the harm and damages of any kind that the owner business of this website could suffer, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of the unfulfillment of the obligations derived of the usage of this website and its Privacy Policy.
AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE is not responsible of the contents of the website to which a user may access through the links established in this website, and declares that in no case will examine or exercise control over the content of other websites on the internet. Furthermore, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE does not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, truthfulness, validity or legality of external sites that are not connected to AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE to which a user may access through the links on this website. AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE declares that is has adopted all necessary measures to avoid any harm that could derive from navigating this website. Therefore, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE does not take responsibility of the eventual harm that the user could suffer as a consequence of the navigation on the internet. AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE does not take responsibility for the harm of any type produced in the user which has to do with failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks which produce the suspension, cancellation, installation or interruption of the service of the website during the offering of this service or prior to it. The access to: does not imply the obligation by the company of controlling the absence of viruses or any other harmful computer element. It corresponds to the user to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection or harmful computer programmes. AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE does not take responsibility for the damages produced in computer equipment, documents, and/or files of users or third parties during the offering of the service on this portal.
The website: will be able to host advertising or sponsored contents. The advertisers or sponsors have the sole responsibility of making sure that the issued materials for the inclusion in this website comply with the laws that could be applicable in every case. AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE will not be responsible of any mistake, in-exactitude or irregularity that may be contained in the advertised contents or the materials of sponsors.
AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE reserves the right of making changes, without previous notice, in the contents of its websites, both in the content of the website and in the terms of use or the general conditions of contracting. These modifications could be made, through its websites, in any form admissible by law and will be of obliged compliance during the time they are published in the website and as long they are modified.
The rights of intellectual and industrial property derived from all texts, images, as well as media contents and forms or presentations and edition of its site belong, by ownership or by delegation, to AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE. These will be, therefore, works protected with intellectual property under the Spanish legal code, and Spanish and EU law are applied in this field, as well as international treaties related to this matter that have been subscribed by Spain. The texts of articles (both news and opinion) that AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE publishes on this website are public under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license that is summarised in the following terms. The user is free to:
- Share: Copy and re-distribute the material in any means or format.
- Adapt: Re-mix, transform and create based on this material.
The conditions that apply for the user are the following:
- Acknowledgement: The user must adequately recognise the authorship, providing a link to the license and indicating if changes were made. The user can do this in any reasonable way, but never suggesting he/she has the endorsement of Areópago Protestante and its websites.
- Non-commercial. The user cannot use the material with a commercial aim, understanding commercial aim as a use aimed mainly to obtain a commercial advantage or a monetary compensation.
- Share Alike. If the user re-mixes, transforms or creates based on this material, he/she will have to share these contribution under the same license as the original. AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE reserves the faculty of presenting civil or penal actions that it may consider needed if their websites and contents are used unlawfully, or when these conditions are breached.
The seals of quality are emblems that are provided to online stores to demonstrate their quality and security when it comes to online sales. To obtain this seal, the companies are audited and evaluated to make sure that they follow the security criteria in the transaction and the legal compliance in matters of privacy and data protection of the consumers. Stores that have a seal of confidence are adhered to a code of conduct and usually offer consumers alternative proceedings of resolution of conflicts that are easy, fast and comfortable. CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE LSSI-CE AND DARA PROTECTION complies with the normative of Data Protection in force and the LSSI-CE, and has been consulted in these normatives by the GRUPO QUALIA, receiving both certificates in a digital image format so that they can be presented on its website.
The relation between the user and AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE will be regulated by the Spanish legislation in force. The courts and tribunals of the municipality of BARCELONA will be competent to decide on any controversy that could origin between the user and AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE.
AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE reserves the right of using cookies in the navigation of the user through its websites to facilitate the personalisation and comfort of the navigation. Following the data protection policy of the company, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE informs that cookies are associated to the anonymous user and his/her computer and do not share by themselves the name or surnames of the user. According to the sentence of the Great Chamber of Justice of the European Union, on 1 October 2019, our ‘cookies policy’ lets the user know about the time that these cookies will remain active in the device of the user and the possibility that third parties are able to access the information that these cookies store. This sentence modifies Article 5, Section 3, of the Directive 2002/58 for the Directive 2009/136. As a consequence of this sentence, the user has the possibility of accepting or rejecting explicitly the use of cookies. Additionally, the user has the possibility of configuring his/her internet browser so that he/she is informed about the reception of cookies, with the possibility, if he/she wishes, of impeding that these are installed in his/her hard drive. Therefore, to access the websites of AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, it is not mandatory to install cookies. The user commits to abstain from reproducing, copying, distributing, make available or any other way of communicating publicly, transforming or modifying the contents, unless he/she has the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is allowed by law.
In conformity with what established in the General Regulation-EU-2016/679 of the Parliament and Council of Europe of Protection of Personal Character, approved in 27 April 2016, and the LOPD 3/2018, of guarantees of digital rights, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE informs the users of its websites that we are obliged to keep professional secrecy on the personal data collected by the company through the forms on our pages. This obligation will continue even after the end our commercial or contractual relationship, and in no case will we be allowed to make the personal data of visitors and clients of our website public without their consent. Those users aged 14 or below cannot give their consent to allow a business to collect and treat their personal data; only legal representatives (parents or tutors) can do this action in their name. Those businesses who need to treat data of minors aged 14 or less, need to have the means to obtain the consent of their parents or tutors, for instance, through an email message to one of them which contains a link to an electronic form. Minors aged 14 or less cannot be asked about data of family aspects, the only exception being the identification data and the contact data with parents or tutors. These data will be introduced in an automatised file under the responsibility of the website of AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE with the aim of facilitating, and accomplishing the commitments established between the two parts. Furthermore, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE informs about the possibility of exercising the rights of access, which allow the user of the website to know what personal data the administrator of the website has. The administrator will answer before 30 days, as long as he continues to have the data. The user also has the right to modify these data that are not exact or incomplete, and guarantee the truthfulness of the information. The user can also ask that his data are not treated, the suppression of inadequate or excessive data, the limitation of the treatment of his/her data, the portability through which a copy of the data stored in the website is asked to transmit these to other services. These rights can be exercised through any means that evidences the sending and reception to this direction: SANTA OTILIA 27-29, ESC-A, LOC-1. Postal Code: 08032. Municipality: BARCELONA. Province: BARCELONA. Email:, adding a fotocopy of an ID document or alternative documentation that confirms the user’s identity. As long as we are not told something else, we understand that your data have not been modified, that you commit to notify us any variation, and that we have your consent to use these data with the aim of improved the relationship between the parts. The sending of your data through the form/s of our website will always be subject to the fact that you have read and accepted this Policy of Privacy, through click the obligatory “check box” at the bottom of the forms. According to the Article 21 of the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of Spain, we ask your consent to be able to make promotional communications that we consider that could be of your interest, via email or any other electronic means. You will accept or reject this through the obligatory “check box” at the bottom of the forms.