Terms and Conditions of use and Donations
These terms and conditions of web use and donations and the Privacy Policy, regulate the use, according to Spanish law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, of the WEBSITE: https://www.evangelicalfocus.com, owned by AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, with NIF: G-65399669, National Registry No. 597222, address in: SANTA OTILIA, 27-29, ESC-A, LOC-1, Postal Code: 08032, Municipality: BARCELONA, Province: BARCELONA. Through its WEBSITE; https://www.evangelicalfocus.com, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, hereinafter, EVANGELICAL FOCUS, is the administrator of the website.
Due to the content and purpose of the WEBSITE, those who want information must fill out the contact form, those who want to collaborate with financial donations, must register in the form, USERS / DONORS, which you can get completing the REGISTRATION form.
Your data will be incorporated into a common automated file for your protection, which belongs to AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, ALIANZA SOLIDARIA and ALIANZA EVANGELICA ESPAÑOLA, according to article 13 and 26 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and the Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, of the law 34/2002 Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, LSSI-CE.
According to Article 6, Section F, of the GDPR-EU-2016/679, and Article 7 of the Spanish Organic Law-3/2018, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, when the interested party is under the age of 14, who cannot give their consent for a website to collect their personal data, their legal representatives (parents or tutors) can do it on their behalf, except when the minor is 16 years old, whose consent will be lawful.
EVANGELICAL FOCUS is the Administrator of the WEBSITE https://www.evangelicalfocus.com. We are a news and opinion website, which aims to reach the society and participate in the global conversation, providing a constructive evangelical worldview. We have renounced any public subsidy and we want to maintain our autonomy, being able to meet the costs of web maintenance, design, office, and staff. If you want to join this group and support our daily work, you can collaborate with financial donations, subscribe to a monthly donation or join our Teaming group, donating 1 Euro per month.
Donations can be paid through the payment system offered on this website. Once the donation has been formalised, that is, with the acceptance of the terms and conditions of web use and the confirmation of the donation process, the administrator of the website will send an email to the USER / DONOR, confirming the details of the donation.
The USER / DONOR will pay while completing the donation process. The donation receipt can be downloaded from the registration form or you can request it from the administrator of this website. The USER / DONOR must make the donation through DEBIT CARD, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICA EXPRESS, PAY PAL or BANK TRANSFER. When the payment is made by bank transfer, the donation will not be effective until it has been received in the bank account. The USER / DONOR, must notify the website administrator of any undue or fraudulent charge in the payment system that is used, by email or telephone, as soon as possible, so that the administrator can carry out the necessary procedures.
The administrator of the website will do everything possible to resolve all the doubts and procedures requested from all its USERS, as soon as possible. However, sometimes, and for reasons that are difficult to control by the administrator of the website, such as human errors or incidents in the computer systems, it is possible that the administrator will last more than it was initially planned to solve the USERS demands. In the event that the management is not available or the process could not be completed, after having made the donation, the USER will be informed by email of the total cancellation of that donation, because it was not completed correctly.
The administrator of the website has the higher security measures commercially available in the sector.
After a connection made by a secure server, the information is transmitted encrypted using 128-bit, 256-bit algorithms, which ensure that it is only intelligible and understandable by the devices of the USER and the WEBSITE.
Using the SSL protocol, which is the predecessor of the protocol, and TLS (both are cryptographic protocols that provide privacy and integrity in secure communications over a communication network, commonly the internet) we guarantee:
- That the USER is giving his/her data to the server center of the administrator of the website and not to any other that tries to impersonate it.
- That the data is transmitted encrypted between the USER, and the server center of the administrator of the website, avoiding a possible reading or manipulation by third parties.
The WEBSITE, https://www.evangelicalfocus.com may host advertising or sponsored content. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted to the Website complies with the laws that may be applicable to each case, EVANGELICAL FOCUS, will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may contain the advertising or sponsor content.
CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE LSSI-CE AND DATA PROTECTION EVANGELICAL FOCUS, which owns the website, https://www.evangelicalfocus.com complies with the current Data Protection regulations GDPR-EU, LOPDGDD- SPAIN, and with the LSSI-CE, and is advised in these regulations by GRUPO QUALIA, which has given them two certificates in digital image format so that they can be displayed on its website.
The administrator of the website has all the rights of the content, design and source code of this website, https://www.evangelicalfocus.com, including but not limited to the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, brands, trade names and data included on the web. USERS are warned that these rights are protected by current Spanish and international legislation regarding intellectual and industrial property, Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12 and subsequent modifications. Likewise, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of the WEBSITE is also considered a computer program, therefore, all the current Spanish and European Community regulations on the matter also apply to it. The texts of articles (both news and opinion) that AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE publishes on this website are public under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license that is summarised in the following terms.
The user is free to:
- Share: Copy and re-distribute the material in any means or format.
- Adapt: Re-mix, transform and create based on this material.
The conditions that apply for the user are the following:
- Acknowledgement: The user must adequately recognise the authorship, providing a link to the license and indicating if changes were made. The user can do this in any reasonable way, but never suggesting he/she has the endorsement of Areópago Protestante and its websites.
- Non-commercial. The user cannot use the material with a commercial aim, understanding commercial aim as a use aimed mainly to obtain a commercial advantage or a monetary compensation.
- Share Alike. If the user re-mixes, transforms or creates based on this material, he/she will have to share these contribution under the same license as the original.
AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE reserves the faculty of presenting civil or penal actions that it may consider needed if their websites and contents are used unlawfully
The use of the contents of the website domain is only authorized for informative and service purposes, as long as the source is cited or referred to, being the user solely responsible for their misuse.
USERS are fully responsible for their conduct, when accessing the information on the WEBSITE, while browsing it, as well as after having accessed it. Therefore, USERS are solely responsible to the administrator of the website and third parties for:
- The consequences that may derive from the use, for illegal purposes or effects, contrary to this legal policy, of any content of the WEBSITE, whether or not prepared by the administrator of the website, published or not under its name officially.
- As well as the consequences that may arise from the use contrary to the content of this document, that could be harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or deteriorate the WEBSITE, or its services or prevent the normal enjoyment by other users.
The administrator of the website reserves the right to update the contents when it deems it convenient, as well as to delete, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently, or deny access to the WEBSITE to USERS, who misuse contents and / or fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions that appear in this document.
The administrator of the website informs that it does not guarantee:
- That access to the WEBSITE, and / or the linked websites might be uninterrupted or error-free.
- That the content or software that USERS access through the website or the linked websites does not contain any errors, computer viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in their system or in electronic documents and files stored on your computer system or cause other damage.
- The use that the USERS may make of information or content of the WEBSITE, or linking websites for their personal purposes.
The administrator of this website does not take no derived responsibility about a range of situations, including these:
- The use that USERS may do of the materials of this WEBSITE or the linked websites, be they prohibited or allowed, infracting the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of contents of this WEBSITE or of third parties.
- The eventual harm and prejudices to the USERS, caused by a normal o non-normal use of the search tools, organisation, location of contents and/or access to the WEBSITE, and in general errors or issues that generate during the development of instrumentation of the technical elements of the WEBSITE, or a program facilitated by the USER.
- The contents of the website to which the USER may accede from links included in this WEBSITE, be they authorised or not.
- The actions or omissions of third parties, with independence of the fact that these users may be united with the administrator of the WEBSITE through a contract.
- The access of minors to the contents included in this WEBSITE, being their parents or tutors those in charge of exercising the adequate control over the activity of their children or minors under their responsibility. Parents or tutors will be responsible to install tools to control the use of the internet to stop them from accessing materials or contents not suitable for minors, as well as the sending of personal data without the authorisation of their parents or tutors.
The administrator of this WEBSITE will not be responsible in any case when there are:
- Mistakes or delays in the access to the WEBSITE, in the case of the USER, whenever he/she introduces the data in the contact form or the registry of a donation, the delay or impossibility of reception by their destinataries of the confirmation of the donation or any other anomaly that could appear when these incidences are due to problems of the internet network, accidental cases or of force majeure, and any other unforeseeable contingence alien to the good faith of the administrator of the WEBSITE.
- Errors or incidences that may happen in the communication, deletion or incomplete transmissions, that may affect the services of the WEBSITE and its constant effectiveness.
- Errors or harm produced to the website by a non-efficient or bad faith use of by the USER.
- Non-effectiveness or issues in relation to the email address facilitated by the USER.
Even so, the administrator of the website commits to try to solve any issues that may appears and to offer all the needed help to the USER, to get to a rapid and satisfactory solution of the incidence. Furthermore, the administrator of the WEBSITE has the right to conduct, in defined temporal intervals, promotional campaigns to promote the registration of new members to its services and donations. The administrator of the WEBSITE reserves the right of modifying the conditions of application of the promotions, proroguing or proceeding to the exclusion of any of the USERS of the promotion if any anomaly, abuse or non-ethical behaviour in the participation of the campaign is detected.
In the case that any clause of these terms and conditions of use is declare void, the rest of the clauses will continue to be valid and will be interpreted considering the will of the parts and the finality of these terms and conditions.
The administrator of the WEBSITE will be able not to exercise some of his/her rights and faculties conferred in this document, which in no case would mean a renounce to these, except that the administrator expressly says so or by prescription of the action that may correspond.
The administrator of the WEBSITE reserves the right of modifying, at any point, the presentation and configuration of the WEBSITE, as well as the present terms and conditions of use.
Therefore, the administrator of the WEBSITE recommends the USER to read carefully the terms and conditions of use, every time the USER accesses the WEBSITE. The USERS will always have access to these terms and conditions of use in the form of registration or other places that are freely accessible for whatever enquiries they might make.
The present terms and conditions of use are governed by the Spanish law applicable in this matter. To resolve any controversy or conflict that may derive, the parts submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial party of BARCELONA, the city of origin of the entity that owns this WEBSITE, unless the law imposes another jurisdiction.
The USERS commit to navigate this WEBSITE and use its content with good faith.
In compliance with what is established in the General Data Protection Regulation-EU-2016/679, and the Data Protection Ordinary Law of the Guarantee of Digital Rights-Spain-3/2018 we inform you that the filling of any form existing on this WEBSITE, http://evangelicalfocus.com or the reference of an email to any of our addresses implies the acceptation of this privacy policy, as well as the authorisation to the administrator of the WEBSITE to treat the personal data that are facilitated to us, which will be incorporated into a common file belonging to AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE, ALIANZA SOLIDARIA and ALIANZA EVANGELICA ESPAÑOLA, by the Responsible for Treatment and/or the administrator of the WEBSITE.
The data of USERS will be used to send via email the online or in-person processes made by the administrator of the website.
By only visiting the WEBSITE, the USERS are not facilitating personal information and are not obliged to do so.
The administrator of the WEBSITE commits to keep the maximum reserve and confidentiality about the information that is facilitated and to use is only for the purposes indicated.
The administrator of the WEBSITE presumes that the data have been introduced by its owner or an authorised person, and presumes that they are correct and exact. These data will be introduced in an automated file under the responsibility of the administrator of the website with the purpose of facilitating, accelerating and fulfilling the commitments established between the two parts.
Furthermore, EVANGELICAL FOCUS informs about the possibility of exercising the rights of access (which allows the website user to know which personal data the administrator of this website has – the administrator will respond in the time of 30 days, whenever the administrator has kept this data), rectification (which allows to correct mistakes, modify the data that are inexact or incomplete, and guarantee the certainty of the information), opposition (to be able to ask and make sure that your data are not treated), suppression (which allows to make sure that inadequate or excessive data are deleted), limitation (through which you can ask to limit the treatment of your data after having exercised your right to rectification of personal data), and portability (which allows you, the user, to obtain a copy of the personal data you have made available to the website so that you can transmit these to other services). These rights can be exercised through any means that leaves a proof of having been sent and received to the postal address: SANTA OTILIA 27-29, ESC-A, LOC-1, Postal Code: 08032, Municipality: BARCELONA, Province: BARCELONA, Email address: mquintero@alianzasolidaria.org, attaching a photocopy of an official Identity Document.
As long as we are not told something else, we understand that your data have not been modified, that you commit to notify us any variation, and that we have your consent to use these data with the aim of improved the relationship between the parts.
The sending of your data through the form/s of our website will always be subject to the fact that you have read and accepted this Policy of Privacy, through click the obligatory “check box” at the bottom of the forms.
According to the Article 21 of the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of Spain, we ask your consent to be able to make promotional communications that we consider that could be of your interest, via email or any other electronic means. You will accept or reject this through the obligatory “check box” at the bottom of the forms.
To modify, update or cancel their personal data, the USER will write and email from his/her own email account to mquintero@alianzasolidaria.org, with a subject.
The USER is responsible of the truthfulness of his/her data, and the administrator of the WEBSITE will not be responsible of the inexactitudes of the personal data of USERS.
According to the governing legislation, the administrator of the WEBSITE has applied the adequate security levels to the data facilitated by the USERS and furthermore, has installed all the means and measures in its reach to prevent from any loss, wrong use, alteration, non-authorised access and extraction of these personal data.