The wall of evil (I)
I rained prayer upon prayer against the walls present in my own life, its injustices, recurrent struggles and other adversities.
07 AUGUST 2016 · 17:20 CET

The wall of evil - part one
In my garden there’s an old wall that’s over 6 feet high, which is really, I mean really ugly!!! (because it gets between the little flowers and the sun!!!)
The sledgehammer of prayer
I decided to take it down with my own hands (I am the defender of little flowers). With a fury that is unusual for me (with a little help from a sledgehammer)
I struck a blow against this shadowy wall.
At the same time, in my heart,
I rained prayer upon prayer against the walls present in my own life, its injustices, recurrent struggles and other adversities.
I refuse to just sit there and take it!
Half an hour later:
The wall: bearing hardly a scratch…
Me: down and out!!
Are my prayers not working?!?
It’s a bit like some of my long-term prayer requests; I’m still waiting for them to be granted…
In church, why is it always the same people who come forward to ask for healing (?!?) Is it because it hasn’t actually worked for them before?
My line of reasoning runs me up against a dead end…
Small, but powerful
My observations of the natural world have taught me one thing.
Something small,
Done faithfully, over and over again,
Becomes big.
Perseverance will enable us to break through.
I apply this principle to my art,
So why don’t I apply it to a wall?
The battle is won in the head
Driven above all by my motivation to break down the walls in my own life,
I decided that I would spend one hour each day hammering out a solution
Because to break down a wall in the outside world,
You must first break it down in your head.
More than mere muscles, you need to believe it’s possible!!!
Your strength is found in faith.
Even so, my efforts seemed pitiful
The coup de grâce
After a couple of days,
I finally managed to put a hole through the wall!
It was weird, just before that section of the wall gave way, the sound of the sledgehammer impact against it changed…
My question is:
Does that mean that the hundreds of blows that rained down upon it before that point accomplished nothing at all?
I think that they all counted for something
No prayer is ineffective…
Published in: Evangelical Focus - Appointment with God - The wall of evil (I)