Five in a bed
These giants contemplate me scornfully from on high, looking at the little man at their feet in a monk-like silence. Who dares disturb their sleep?
04 DECEMBER 2016 · 18:55 CET

03h 11
- Aaaah! There are three people in my bed!
My wife, myself and a problem so pressing that it feels like there’s a third person in our bed (a snorer too!)
3h 32
And another one! My little boy’s been driven from his bed by a nightmare and he’s come to seek political asylum!
3h 46
It’s no longer a bed, more like a giant taco!
I’ve had enough! I’m going to pray in the woods...
It’s cold outside, but I know I’ll warm up as I walk!
The master of the road
The streets are completely deserted (am I the only one with problems in this country?). Strolling down the middle of the main road with not a car in sight, it’s a bit of a cake-walk!
- Oh! The road! You see, I’m not afraid of you (in fact, I’m walking all over you...)!
Whoa, have I entered a parallel universe or something?!
At the gates of the Kingdom
On the edge of the shadow-filled forest, tall trees clothed in the strange light of the moon seem to return my look. These giants contemplate me scornfully from on high, looking at the little man at their feet in a monk-like silence. Who dares disturb their sleep? It’s like I’m walking past the ranks of the Lord’s army, stood to attention: frightening, powerful, imperturbable and…ever so slightly curious angels.
Not a sound is heard except my footsteps signalling my intrusion in this world. Even the birds have flown away to the country of dreams.
I plunge into the thick shadows of this dense forest. It’s truly awe-inspiring, all of the usual sights and sounds have gone (well, they haven’t really gone, they still exist, if you know what I mean)...
It feels as if I’m going to be totally swallowed up in absolute darkness, but I can always make out enough to be able to take my next step (this happens so often in my life!). The really amazing thing is that I’m no longer scared (meaning that I must have matured)...
Just above my head: Wooooooow! This universe that Dad’s created is mind-blowing (no, I haven’t lost my head, Jesus tells us we can call Him that)…
God is so much bigger than any worries we may have! I want to turn my gaze to Him!
The quietness of my voice when I talk with him touches me very deeply (it’s a very personal thing)...
I no longer feel cold.
In the distance, I see the studio where I write my comics. It could be mistaken for an old, rather tired-looking naval vessel... But at least it’s there!
As I stand before my bed, I realize that it’s no giant taco that’s in my bed, but the human beings that I love the most in this world! Even the ‘problem’ seems almost benevolent (yes, it hasn’t gone away)... because after all, it was that which encouraged me to pray.
Jesus gave me His most precious gift tonight. Something that’s worth much more than just granting my prayer… A moment in His presence, a foretaste of eternity!
Published in: Evangelical Focus - Appointment with God - Five in a bed