Biologist, theologian and author.

Antonio Cruz Suarez holds a degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona, and a PhD in Biology from the same university. In 2010 he obtained his PhD in Ministry (Homiletics and Old and New Testaments) at the Theological University of America in Cedar Rapids (Iowa). Antonio Cruz has been Professor of Biology and Director of the Seminary of Experimental Sciences at the IES Investigador Blanxart in Terrassa and of the IES in Matadepera, Barcelona; Research Biologist at the Centro de Recursos de Biodiversidad Animal in the department of Animal Biology at the University of Barcelona; A member of the Faculty Admissions Jury and distinguished member of the Spanish Entomology Society, of the Catalan Natural History Institute and of the French Natural History Society. As a theologian, Cruz has pastored a number of evangelical churches in Spain, and teaches at the Centre of Theological Studies in Barcelona. Some of his publications are: La ciencia, ¿encuentra a Dios?, Sociología: Una desmitificación Bioética cristiana: Una propuesta para el tercer milenio and Nuevo Ateísmo.

186 articles by Antonio Cruz