Gowen has worked for the European Comission in Brussels for 25 years.

Michael Gowen is a husband, celebrating 40 years of marriage in 2014, the father of 3 adult children and grandfather of 7 grandchildren. For 25 years he worked for the European Commission in Brussels, in energy conservation, agricultural trade and latterly in getting emergency humanitarian aid to countries in crisis in Asia, Latin America and the central part of Africa. He has therefore been able to observe the European political process at close quarters and is consequently very interested in the theology of power and in discerning how God is at work in Europe today. Throughout that time he and his wife were involved in the leadership team of Vineyard Brussels church. In 2013 he took early retirement and in 2014 he and his wife moved back to England, where they are based in the West Midlands. He is passionate about equipping and supporting people in positions of responsibility, particularly the upcoming generation and loves to encourage people to apply the message of the Bible in a practical way to their everyday lives.

113 articles by Michael Gowen