Missionary working in the Czech Republic.

Nelleke Wolters is a Dutch missionary to Prague. She studied Dutch at Utrecht University and she taught Dutch as a second language to former refugees. She has worked as a volunteer staff member of the European Evangelical Alliance. Since she moved to the Czech Republic she is involved with the Czech Evangelical Alliance and an active member of a new church plant. She is married to Leendert and mother of Jesse and Chaja.

11 articles by Nelleke Wolters

Tomáš grew up during Communism. Christian activities were only allowed behind closed doors, but that didn’t mean that Christians kept their mouths shut in public.

Is the red light district the best place to have church activities? “When I try to imagine where Jesus would want a church, I definitely think it would be here”, says the pastor of International Church Prague.

Many of us don't know anything other than living in freedom. But often we're not aware –or we don't want to know– that the choices we make in our freedom can curb the freedom of others.

There they are, three of them, gleaming, embedded in the pavement: Stolpersteine. I am passing through Belgická, a street close to our house. I'm walking there for the umpteenth time and never once before these golden squares caught my eye.

The group had tried to leave to Germany, causing a controversy with the government.

A group moved to Germany without permission. Interior Minister says the refugees abused Czech solidarity and announces tougher measures.

Christians share Jesus with others in the Mongolian community which is about 600 people in the capital city of the Czech Republic.

The first line went well, but when the surprised sheep passed by, someone at the other side of the table lay in stitches. “Surprised sheep”, my son roared with laughter. He vividly imagined a big flock of sheep that en masse dropped their jaws. 

A centre for youth empowers children coming from very difficult contexts. “Jesus is their strength in planning and building up their future.”

Suddenly I see it: a babybox. A device intended for parents who want to relinquish their unwanted child in a way that is responsible and safe for the child. The sign next to it shows in four languages how it works. 

Only one minister in the government supports the European refugee quota. 71% of citizens are reluctant, but evangelicals call to take action following Jesus’ teachings.
