Religious Freedom Ambassador to the Vatican, representing the World Evangelical Alliance.

Thomas K. Johnson, BA, M.Div. (Magna Cum Laude), ACPE, Ph.D., served as pastor of three evangelical churches in the US and the former Soviet Union (including planting a church) and taught philosophy or theology in eleven universities or theological schools in nine countries, including the dissident, pro-democracy European Humanities University (Minsk, Belarus) and Charles University (Prague). He is the author of five books, Natural Law Ethics: An Evangelical Proposal (Bonn: VKW, 2005), Human Rights: A Christian Primer (World Evangelical Alliance, 2008), What Difference Does the Trinity Make? A Complete Faith, Life, and Worldview (WEA, 2009), The First Step in Missions Training: How Our Neighbors are Wrestling with God’s General Revelation (WEA, 2014) and Christian Ethics in Secular Cultures (WEA, 2014), along with about 200 articles, essays, or book chapters in several languages; he is the editor of seventeen books, mostly on themes on religion in society. He is currently Vice President for Research, Martin Bucer European Seminary and Research Institutes; Professor of Philosophy, Global Scholars; Academic Council, International Institute for Religious Freedom, WEA; and Senior Advisor to the Theological Commission, WEA. From 2004 to 2013 he served as Director of the Comenius Institute in Prague. He has been married to Leslie P. Johnson since 1977; they have three married children and three grandchildren. Many of his books and essays are available as free downloads in the resource section of Thomas K. Johnson was recently appointed as Religious Freedom Ambassador to the Vatican, representing the World Evangelical Alliance and its 600 million members.

5 articles by Thomas K. Johnson