Is our goal transformation?
Being in relationship with Jesus is not just the end goal of ministry, but it is also the means by which genuine transformation occurs.
11 NOVEMBER 2021 · 10:00 CET

It depends on the point of contrast. That is, if transformation is contrasted with education, then yes, it is certainly closer to our aim as preachers. We don’t want to merely inform, we want to see transformation.
If the contrast point is conformation, then I would argue that transformation is a better goal than simply pressuring people to conform to certain behaviours.
But what if the contrast point is relationship? I have suggested on here before that preaching is about three relationships: the first being the preacher’s relationship with God, the second being the preacher’s relationship with the listeners, and the third is the goal: the listeners’ relationship with God.
In this context I would argue that our goal should be relationship and not just transformation.
Here is the potential problem with transformation language. If we don’t include the key concept of relationship, then we can drift towards settling for behavioural change or lifestyle change.
The reality is that being in relationship with Jesus is not just the end goal of ministry, but it is also the means by which genuine transformation occurs – or perhaps we could say the intermediate goal as well as the ultimate goal.
True transformation in gospel ministry is a matter of relationship. But in our fallen world, we naturally believe that an individual can be transformed simply by a change in how they think or what they choose.
It is this fallenness that makes me suggest we be careful with the language of transformation.
Too many in our churches settle for life tweaks without the heart-changing transformation that comes in the context of genuine relationship with the Father through Christ and by the Spirit.
Peter Mead is mentor at Cor Deo and author of several books. This article first appeared on his blog Biblical Preaching.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - Biblical Preaching - Is our goal transformation?