Articles of: Blog / life&tech

Open Doors Spain
10 JANUARY 2017 · 14:49

Jamil, a former Muslim: “Yemenis follow Christ with all their hearts. There is no way back. We all know that. Becoming a Christian will cost you much”.

Open Doors Spain
06 JANUARY 2017 · 10:43

Young Markus had been an ambitious Muslim. He studied in an Islamic university led by his father and his mission was to reach out to Christian youth and lead them to the “right path”.

Open Doors Spain
26 DECEMBER 2016 · 13:20

The police and Islamic religious authorities in these countries are highly vigilant against any attempts by Christians to reach Malay Muslims with the gospel.

Open Doors Spain
15 DECEMBER 2016 · 16:06

The situation of Christians in North Korea does not seem to have improved during this past year.

Open Doors Spain
29 NOVEMBER 2016 · 10:05

Churches are forbidden in Saudi Arabia, and converting from Islam is punished with decapitation.

Open Doors Spain
23 NOVEMBER 2016 · 14:44

In the region, almost 40% of the Protestant churches have become secret churches. “We do not want to be associated with anything illegal and our desire is to be law-abiding citizens”.

Open Doors Spain
16 NOVEMBER 2016 · 09:40

The number of believers of Muslim background has increased radically in the Horn of Africa, despite the high costs associated with the decision of leaving  Islam to follow Christ whole-heartedly.

Open Doors Spain
02 NOVEMBER 2016 · 17:10

Jess and Rena with their baby son were kicked out and all their sheep and horses were taken away. They didn’t have any money, not enough clothes to wear and no place to sleep.