Articles of: Blog / life&tech

Samuel Crespo
02 MAY 2019 · 12:27

Many women regret having postponed childbearing. Our society still hasn’t given a viable solution to the challenge of balancing professional life and motherhood.

Samuel Crespo
20 MARCH 2019 · 15:00

What we go through in our infancy is recorded as by fire in our heart.

Samuel Crespo
12 DECEMBER 2018 · 17:00

Have you been good? is the magic question which echoes in children’s heads, and we encourage them to say “yes” in order to get their deserved reward in the form of presents. But is this Christmas?

Samuel Crespo
12 NOVEMBER 2018 · 15:36

“My children want to play sports, but that means not being able to go to church on many Sundays”. What should we do?