A Christian must be willing to sacrifice his or her life for Christ and His Kingdom, but not for the whims of the ruler of the day and his delusions of a ‘holy nation’ with its supposed ‘historic mission’.
Why did the angels play such a central role in the birth of Jesus? Some answers according to the Bible.
The Czech writer shows us the reality of the modern human being, who, thrown into existence in a world he does not understand, lacks direction.
The importance of the Epistle to the Hebrews lies in the fact that it describes the deep significance of the historical facts concerning the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is the message to be celebrated on this day: the joy of knowing that the power of the grave has been defeated by the Lord of Life.
Where there is love, the words flow.
We use God’s name in vain when we preach an empty, passive, passion-free Christianity devoid of biblical content.
Why did rebellion take place in heaven? Searching diligently, we can find answers in the Bible.
Angels, like travellers between two worlds, intervene in this world’s events. And their presence is very real.
A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
At first glance, it is difficult to understand the success of preachers of the prosperity gospel. Here, we present five reasons.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
The sensationalist zeal of some writers and self-proclaimed experts in eschatology is as big as their incapacity to get it right.