Apples, smiles and a gospel message in a traffic jam

Young Christians in Switzerland talk to drivers trapped in the usual traffic jams by an Alpine motorway tunnel.

    Evangelical Focus

    Fingerprint, · BERN · 22 JULY 2015 · 13:21 CET

    The group of young Christians. / Fingerprint,Fingerprint, Switzerland, etc.
    The group of young Christians. / Fingerprint

    Although it is an Alpine country, Switzerland has had some of the hottest temperatures in its history this summer, with more than 35ºC several days.

    In this situation, being trapped in a traffic jam is not fun at all, especially if one is driving to holidays.

    A group of young Christians spent a day trying to bring a positive message to those waiting in line at the famous Gotthard tunnel. The motorway crosses through several mountains for almost 17 km, and every Swiss knows about the scary queues one can find when approaching it.

    Dressed up in funny costumes, they approached the cars waiting in line, offering apples, talking to people and giving out an evangelistic message.

    A verse in a banner reads: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).


    Talkng to the dirvers. / Fingerprint

    The action was carried out by Fingerprint, a group which aims to share the gospel in fresh ways, reaching post-moderns.

    “With this initiative we reached hundreds of people and gave them some happiness with God’s love”, the group wrote. “Almost every driver had to laugh. You could see they had fun, and they continued their trip with a cool evangelistic brochure”.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - cities - Apples, smiles and a gospel message in a traffic jam