Evangelical party attacked after support for pro-life demonstration

Party offers “debate” and condemns violence. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance and other Christian organizations in the same building also affected. 

    Evangelical Focus

    ZURICH · 17 SEPTEMBER 2015 · 14:05 CET

    The EVP offices in Zürich, after the attack. / EVP,EVP. Zürich, attack, marsch läbe
    The EVP offices in Zürich, after the attack. / EVP

    The offices of the Evangelische Volkspartei (EVP) in Zürich (Switzerland) were attacked in the night of last Wednesday, 16 September. Windows were broken and the façade was damaged with paintings against the party’s participation in a pro-life event.

    The offices of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and Humanitarian organisations Tearfund and Opportunity are in the same building. Repairing the damages will cost thousands of Swiss Francs.

    The party, one of the two political organizations with a clear evangelical worldview in the country, condemned the attacks. They also filed a complaint to the police and defended the freedom of speech as essential in a “Swiss democracy with deep roots”.

    EVP members have always had a pro-life position, and decided to take part of the “Marsch furs Läbe” (March for Life) this weekend, a demonstration that will promote laws and actions to protect the life of the unborn.

    The attackers posted an anonymous text online defending their violent action, justifying their fight against “homophobic, anti-feministic and patriarchal policies”.



    Marc Jost, Secretary General of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA) and one of the leaders of EVP in Bern told to Evangelical Focus he felt “sad about this”. He added: “I would hope people who disagree come and have a debate and not become violent”.

    “The EVP as well as the Swiss Evangelical Alliance support the ‘Marsch fürs Läbe’”, explained Jost. “I will have a sermon and our MP Marianne Streiff will have a speech. EVP and SEA support such policies because we see the human dignity of an unborn baby as valuable as the dignity of another person who is born”.

    Switzerland will hold national elections on October, 18.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - cities - Evangelical party attacked after support for pro-life demonstration