‘Poseur’ in the light of the Brussels tragedy
We want to become reliable moral figures by just saying some appropriate words, but the authentic change will come when we all kneel down before the Golgotha cross.
23 MARCH 2016 · 15:24 CET

The path of sorrow leads to a country where we are all equal, a famous quote says.
The terrorist brutality, the inhuman refugee crisis, the social crisis which affects the poorest and most vulnerable. All that leads us to kneel down before the one who bore our sins and the punishment for our iniquities, Jesus Christ.
We look for the “goodies” and the “baddies”. Undoubtedly, there are wretched behaviours (terrorism, corruption), and others we should reclaim (mutual respect, coexistence in diversity), but it is impossible for any human being to be absolutely innocent of the problems our society is facing today.
Voices are and will be raised against terrorism, but those same voices privately encourage and permit domestic terrorism, the abuse of the weakest or the immorality and corruption in daily situations.
It is not a defeatist speech, but a realistic one. We want to become reliable moral figures by just saying some appropriate words, but the authentic change will come when we all kneel down before the Golgotha cross, admitting that just the blood of the only pure and innocent can cleanse us.
Freedom will come when political and religious 'poseur' give way to the king who came riding a simple donkey, to die for each one of us, who are as sinners as the Pharisees, the Romans, and the coward disciples who betrayed truth to save their lives.
The biggest and most terrible terrorist act took place in Jerusalem, two thousand years ago. Each and everyone of us participated in that evil act, we were actors in one way or another.
There will be many statements, demonstrations and grandiloquent words, but the only phrase which will bring real peace to this tumultuous, bloody, contradictory, and selfish world, is the one that deeply touches the heart and comes from the echo that still resonates in the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”.
Any other declaration, specially if we ignore that one, is empty, vane, hollow and barren.
Because nobody has conquered death, the heavy burden that crushes us, but He who said: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Published in: Evangelical Focus - Editorial - ‘Poseur’ in the light of the Brussels tragedy