French evangelicals react to Charlie Hebdo attack
The CNEF (National Council of French Evangelicals) says evangelicals are "more determined than ever to defend freedom of conscience and its corollary, freedom of expression for all".
CNEF, EEA · PARIS · 09 JANUARY 2015 · 18:20 CET

"Nothing can justify these barbarian acts which flout the dignity of human life and all the values of our Republic", said the evangelical federation in France CNEF.
"The unspeakable attack against the editors of magazine Charlie Hebdo saddened members of the CNEF, horrified by this fanaticism. Our thoughts go first to journalists killed or injured and the police officers who were killed trying to protect them. We express our solidarity with the families and collaborators and we assure them of our prayers".
"As already indicated in the 1789 French constitution, 'the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of humankind.'"
"The CNEF members are particularly attached to these precious values, so abused today. The CNEF is mobilised and more determined than ever to defend freedom of conscience and its corollary, freedom of expression for all".
The National Council of French Evangelicals (CNEF) was officially created on 15 June, 2010. As a representative body, it brings together more than 70% of Evangelical churches and more than a hundred para-church organisations. It is a member of the European Evangelical Alliance and of the World Evangelical Alliance.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - French evangelicals react to Charlie Hebdo attack