Same-sex marriages in Finland’s Lutheran Church? Bishops’ plans unlikely to succeed for now

Half of the priests think that the Church should marry same-sex couples. Some have already officiated gay marriage ceremonies against the official stance.

    Matti Korhonen

    Uusi Tie · HELSINKI · 27 MARCH 2024 · 16:40 CET

    A Lutheran church in Finland. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">Trevor Vannoy</a>, Unsplash, CC0.,
    A Lutheran church in Finland. / Photo: Trevor Vannoy, Unsplash, CC0.

    The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is the only national church in the Nordic countries where marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman.

    But over half of its priests think that the Church should marry same-sex couples as well. In fact, some have already officiated same-sex marriage ceremonies against the official stance of the Church.

    The bishops are now attempting to resolve the tensions within the Lutheran Church. They are suggesting that in the future, the institution could have two parallel understandings of marriage. One would define marriage as between a husband and a wife, while the other would define it as between two persons. Each priest could choose which model to follow, so deciding whether or not to marry people in same-sex relationships.

    This would help the Finnish Lutheran Church preserve unity, the bishops have concluded. They argue that, although the proposal is not perfect – and it might be seen as incoherent – it is the best way forward. One of the ten bishops, Matti Salomäki, filed a dissenting opinion.


    Archbishop: Priests who do not agree should not say others are wrong

    Finnish newspaper Uusi Tie asked Archbishop Tapio Luoma, whether a priest could teach that the alternative understanding of marriage is wrong and against the will of God, or if such discourse would be prohibited if the proposal was accepted.

    “My personal view is that you shouldn’t say such a direct position. I think that the priest can be content to say that he or she believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. But at the same time, it is necessary to recognise that marriage can also be thought of in another way”, Luoma said. “It is important to acknowledge that even if you do not agree with the theological foundations of the opposing position, you still accept that it’s possible to think in that manner”.


    Revival movements oppose the proposal

    Many revival movements and mission organisations reacted strongly against the bishops’ proposal. Twenty leaders from ten organizations published on 20 March a joint statement for Biblical marriage. Among them were the Finnish Lutheran Mission, The Finnish Bible Institute, the Theological Institute of Finland and the Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland.

    According to their position, the teaching on marriage is expressed clearly and with no ambiguities in the Scriptures. Marriage is between a man and a woman and “homosexual relationships are not the will of God; the Scriptures calls this kind of relationships a sin”.

    This is why the organisations do not accept blessing same-sex relationships or living in this kind of relationships. They also dissociate themselves “from such spiritual teaching and from those teachers who advocate marriage contrary to the Scriptures”.

    These groups are asking the General Synod to reject the Bishops’ proposal to change the concept and practice of marriage.


    Plans for same-sex marriage not likely to succeed

    The proposal will now go to the General Synod, which will convene in May. A 75 percent support is needed for the proposal to be implemented.

    It doesn’t seem likely that the General Synod will change the teaching of the marriage yet. When the Finnish broadcasting company Yle recently asked the members of the General Synod if they support or object the Bishops’ proposal, 38 said they were against and 29 in favour. Six couldn’t say their stance and 36 were not reached.

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    Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Same-sex marriages in Finland’s Lutheran Church? Bishops’ plans unlikely to succeed for now