The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief). "/> The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief). "/>

European evangelicals join new freedom of belief campaign: “Believe it or not, it’s my Right!”

The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief).

    Evangelical Focus

    EEA · 27 JUNE 2018 · 09:38 CET

    An image of the #FoRBDefenders website.,
    An image of the #FoRBDefenders website.

    The European Platform against Intolerance and Discrimination (EPRID) launched its new #FoRBDefender movement on freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, calling on people everywhere to unite under the slogan, “Believe it or not, it’s my Right!”

    The #FoRBDefender movement is an online initiative raising awareness of the right to freedom of religion or belief (“FoRB”). The movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief) and calls on high-level decision-makers at national and international level to more robustly defend and protect this fundamental human right.

    Amy Shepherd, CSW’s EU Advocacy Manager and member of EPRID’s 2018 Board of Coordinators, said in a statement: “Across the world, people’s freedom to choose, manifest, change and abandon their religion or belief is under threat”.

    “There is an urgent need to stand up for FoRB and press decision-makers for more concrete and visible protective action. EPRID hopes that by reaching out to politicians, diplomats, media, business, civil society activists and others, the #FoRBDefender movement will show that FoRB protects everyone, and that everyone has a role to play in protecting FoRB”.

    Jointly developed by EPRID, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), the European Humanist Federation (EHF), the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) and the Nordic Ecumenical Network on Freedom of Religion or Belief (NORFORB), the #FoRBDefender movement is centred on social media action.

    Supporters visiting the FoRBDefenders website are encouraged to commit to being “FoRB Defenders” and Tweet, Facebook or Instagram photos of themselves holding up the “Believe it or not” logo.



    The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA), one of the founding members of EPRID, has a long history of defending Freedom of Religion or Belief for all.


    Arie De Pater, Brussels representative of the EEA, supporting the campaign.

    The EEA calls on all its members to support the campaign and to promote it on their social media channels. “Freedom of Religion or Belief is way too precious a human right to take for granted. We have to stand united in defending and promoting it, close to home but also in the rest of the world”.

    The EEA hopes that this visual expression of support for Freedom of Religion or Belief will encourage governments to take Freedom of Religion or Belief seriously in their domestic and foreign policies and that it will make a difference for many whose right to Freedom of Religion or Belief is violated.



    In 2013, the EU adopted Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief which set out how it intends to advance this fundamental right in external action.

    The #FoRBDefender movement has been inspired by EU-level discussions on how the Guidelines could be better implemented.

    According to research by the Pew Research Centre, around 80% of the world’s population suffer discrimination, oppression or violence because of their religion or belief. No religion or belief group, including theists, non-theists and atheists, are exempt from FoRB violations.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - European evangelicals join new freedom of belief campaign: “Believe it or not, it’s my Right!”