Good news in the midst of the storm
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
23 MARCH 2020 · 16:19 CET

Europe is going through a profound crisis that not only collapses health care systems and hits the economy, but impacts the lives of all of us in a very personal way.
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions of us to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
In their televised addresses, our political leaders not only talk about general measures against the Covid-19, but directly allude to the fears and anxieties of the population, as they try to convince us all that “everything will be ok”.
In the media, many controversies that seemed important only two weeks ago have languished. Suddenly, it is the philosophers, the psychologists and the educators who are given a voice to answer the underlying question - What should we do in these uncertain times?
Perhaps our post-Christian Europe is entering a moment of truth. Our lifestyle (very much based on consumerism, addiction to work, and individualism) is facing its own ‘test’ of authenticity. Using Biblical terms, we might be in one of the moments of adversity in which our “idols” have to prove if they have the power to save us.
Those of us who claim we trust in Christ are not exempt of suffering. In fact, the Scriptures say that we are the first ones to be called by God to evaluate our ways, priorities and worship. Have we put our hope in the same weak foundations as others in our surrounding culture?
As the coronavirus curve of infections and deaths grows, the church has the task of asking God for our neighbours. As millions lose their jobs, it is time to show practically how the gospel values work in the hardest situations circumstances. As personal and group relationships are reduced to its minimum, the local churches are called to offer a community that goes beyond walls.
Many in all of our countries ask themselves these days if there is ‘someone out there’ who is in control of all this situation. The answer is yes. There is someone, and He is available and near in the midst of the storm.
Let’s pray that God uses us as channels of communication of these good news. The challenge is enormous, but we serve a God who created the universe and sustains all thing in His hands.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Good news in the midst of the storm