“The king is risen”

Thousands of people blindly follow their spiritual leaders to the death. Millions of men and women are willing to give their lives for an ideal... all following dead gods.

    12 JUNE 2016 · 07:35 CET


    BERNARD KING was nicknamed "the King" in the NBA, a pun on his last name. Bernard was a great player with New York until, in the early 80s, he suffered a knee injury. He needed a complete reconstruction of the knee and all the doctors agreed that he was finished in basketball. Months later, after yet another operation, Bernard said, "Doctor, I want to return to basketball, make 50 points, and be ALL STAR again." No one believed it. He had to leave his team, because no one was interested in a handicapped player. At the beginning of the 90s, at the age of 35, Bernard King returned to become one of the top scorers in the NBA; he played ALL STAR and scored 52 points in one game (against Denver). The ball used in that game is now in the hands of his doctor. Some of the newspapers gave as their headline, "The King Has Risen".

    The most important page in history was written by the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, on the day that he conquered death and appeared before many of the people who had seen him die. Now they saw him glorious and victorious. The resurrection of Jesus so affected history, that no one can live unconscious of the Gospel message; you can believe or not, but the historical fact is there. The whole world knows that there was only one person who said that death had no power over him... and proved it.

    There are many religions in the world today, beliefs to satisfy everyone... and to dissatisfy everyone. Thousands of people blindly follow their spiritual leaders to the death. Millions of men and women are willing to give their lives for an ideal... all following dead gods. You can research each and every current belief system, and you will find that their founder is in the grave. Only Jesus Christ said he was God himself in the form of a man, and proved it to be true. Only Jesus' tomb is empty; that is the difference. We follow Jesus, the only one who rose from the dead; the only one who overcame death.

    The Devil thought he had won when he saw Jesus hanging on the cross.

    He thought he had total victory when he saw them placed the dead body of Jesus in the tomb. All of the powers of evil jumped for joy as the hours passed and Jesus did not come out of the tomb. "He is good and dead," they might have said. The entire world thought that Jesus was gone forever, even his disciples. They had forgotten his words, "In three days I will rise again". When they all ran to the tomb, they needed an angel to tell them, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead?" THE LIVING ONE!

    JESUS IS ALIVE! Those words have resounded from that day to this. JESUS IS STILL ALIVE TODAY! You can decide who you want to trust your life to. You can decide to follow a dead god, or you can make the best decision of your life and follow the only one who was able to overcome death... JESUS CHRIST.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Finish Line - “The king is risen”