Face to face

To speak evil of others is the sport practised by 99% of cowards, those who are afraid to solve their own problems face to face.

    08 JANUARY 2017 · 12:25 CET

    Luis Ocaña. ,
    Luis Ocaña.

    He was one of the best cyclists in history, but he never seemed to find trust or hope for his life. Winner of the most important prizes, he once stated, "In our job, to be a human is hard. Either you bite or you are bitten. Cycling is a sport without a soul."

    During the year 1994 he lost his life, and they said that he committed suicide, although it seems difficult to know for certain what really happened. He was LUIS OCAÑA, the 1973 winner of the Tour de France.

    Unfortunately, to speak evil of others is a most popular sport. Either you bite or you are bitten. You do not need training, special studies, discipline or equipment - you only need a crowd! A crowd that is willing to listen and to bring ruin to others!

    It is the sport practised by 99% of cowards, those who are afraid to solve their own problems face to face. In this sport those who practise it are the ones who lose; they may harm the person they criticise, but that is nothing in comparison to the harm they bring on themselves. Every word spoken against another person is a poison that remains inside of us.

    Slander is like a mallet, because when you speak evil of others, it is just as if you hit them. Ask your friends, what do you prefer? For me to talk badly about you or for me to hit you? Well, we are not masochistic, so we will not answer this question, but you will understand that you would have preferred almost anything just as long as someone does not speak badly about you.

    Slander is also like a sword, because you damage someone else's life. You hurt someone, their circumstances, the way they are. The bad words spread to those around who stop expecting good things of that person, and instead believe the things you have said.

    Slander is like a pointed arrow, because it literally "drives into" the other person, with regard to the way they behave. Although they may be your friend, they stop trusting in you when they find out what you have said. They feel betrayed, and they are right.

    A mallet, a sword, an arrow are weapons that do not belong to a child of God. God never gossips about anyone, therefore we do not have the right to do it either. The Bible says that to gossip is sin... Do you go around breaking, piercing, and thrusting people?

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Finish Line - Face to face