School of Christ 2018: Powerful, Provoking and Prophetic

Keith Malcomson on the latest School of Christ convention.

    06 OCTOBER 2018 · 11:00 CET

    Keith Malcomson preaching at his home church in Limerick.,
    Keith Malcomson preaching at his home church in Limerick.

    This week we caught up with European School of Christ Director Keith Malcomson to talk about the ministry’s recent annual convention held in Limerick (Ireland).

    Malcomson, as well as coordinating the School, has served as pastor in Limerick City Church since 2013 and is the author of books such as Sober Saints, The Scarlet Woman, Christian Foundations and Pentecostal Pioneers Remembered.

    Will Graham (WG): What are your impressions of the recent School of Christ convention?

    Keith Malcomson (KM): It was a powerful time. Great preaching – and by great I mean inspirational, expositional, fiery, challenging, encouraging, stirring, revealing, thought provoking, insightful, prophetic, and anointed of the Holy Ghost.

    The fellowship and friendships that are enjoyed and forged in this environment are wonderful. It’s a special time for those serving God to hear from Heaven, to get clarity on the will of God, strength for the fight, inspiration for ministry, as well as fresh glimpses of the person of Christ and of the glory of God.

    WG: What were the themes touched upon by the different preachers?

    KM: We had four preachers who flew in from the US, Holland, Spain, and Ireland. Each of them had sought the Lord for the word of the Lord for this time.

    Eleven messages were given dealing with themes such as the function of the local church; holiness in life and heart; the biblical promise of revival; the second coming of Christ; the inspiration of scripture; the person of Christ and His centrality; and so much more.

    The various themes formed a rich tapestry of ministry and laid a great feast upon the table for all of us to enjoy. On the last morning we had a preachers question and answer time as we discussed conversion, the call of God, ministry and marriage, in our own lives and in the scriptures.


    Pastor Robin St. Clair kicked off with convention with a powerful message entitled 'A Church Without Christ'.


    WG: How are the days typically organized at the convention?

    KM: We fill these four days with as much prayer and biblical preaching as we can, but at the same time we give space for fellowship and refreshment.

    We start at 6.30 each morning with an hour’s prayer meeting seeking God corporately and individually. It’s not a time to sing or read the Bible but to call upon the name of the Lord with a fervent spirit. This is followed by the first message of the day and then we take breakfast together.

    We start again at 9.30 with two messages back-to-back, separated by a tea-break, finishing about 12.15 for lunch. We hold a public open air meeting after lunch on the city high street with preachers each speaking for several minutes in quick succession proclaiming the gospel to sinners for about an hour. Then the fourth and last message of each day is given in the evening as we gather at 7.15 to pray, to praise God, and to hear from Heaven.

    WG: What is the mission of the School of Christ?

    KM: The mission of the School of Christ (SOC) is to forge a vessel of recovery, to prepare preachers and believers who will bring the Church back to its God-given biblical pattern, and to prepare a people for genuine revival.

    To this end since 1992 the school has worked in over 150 nations running short-term highly intensive Bible schools especially for preachers in order to bring them back to biblical Christianity where Christ is central in all things. Out of these schools literally tens of thousands of new churches have been planted.

    WG: Does the School have any upcoming events?

    KM: All round the world three or four-week Bible schools are run as well as preacher’s conventions. Here in Europe we run an annual three-week European school in the English language each July with pastors, preachers, and students coming from different nations.

    Since 2005 we have held annual schools in Limerick City in Ireland with students coming from over 25 nations. We also run our four day convention each Autumn (Fall) either in Ireland or some other European nation. This is interspersed by meetings and conventions in local churches in different lands.


    The three invited speakers during the Q and A session.


    WG: What do you sense to be the great needs of the contemporary church?

    KM: Having studied church history and biblical doctrine very carefully as well as watching the church worldwide during my own lifetime I am fully convinced that we are in a serious crisis in which truth cannot be distinguished from error, true prophets from false prophets, the true gospel of Christ from a mass of contemporary gimmick gospels, not to mention the flood of false Christ’s, counterfeit spirits, manufactured revivals, false teachings, and so much more spiritual trash.

    I believe we have witnessed a massive high-jacking of Evangelical churches and denominations and that we have a whole generation in our churches who do not have a clue what has just happened.

    The great need of this hour is for a band of militant preachers scattered all across our nations who know nothing but Christ and Him crucified, preach nothing but the written scriptures, who stand uncompromisingly against this flood-tide of apostasy, filled with the genuine power and fire of the Holy Spirit, living impeccable lives of holiness, saturated in prayer, who are prepared in secret but who step onto the stage of church history amidst an old-fashioned biblical outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    This is the only way to restore the years of decay through compromise, apathy, compromise, hypocrisy, and manipulation in ministry that has led the church into the ditch. This cannot be organised. Only a sovereign God can send it.

    WG: In the light of what you’re saying; do you believe that revival is possible?

    KM: Revival is not only possible, it is essential, and it is prophesied in scripture. Revival is not only something God sends to His people. It is God Himself coming to His Church to manifest

    His divinity in the midst of humanity. Revival is an essential part of the character of God. It is Heaven coming down on earth. It is eternity breaking in on the human calendar of time. In revival the Lord comes to recover the Church and to restore it to its rightful place and its former glory.

    I have studied the history of revivals over the past 30 years of my life beginning with the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost and then through two thousand years of church history and it is very obvious that God has always been faithful to send many wonderful and mighty revivals at the darkest and lowest points of church history.

    I am fully convinced that there are numbers of revivals predicted in scripture that have not yet taken place. But they will take place to bring in the last and maybe the fullest harvest in church history before the return of Christ.

    Never has the need been so great, the world population so large, or the possibility of so much good being accomplished in a brief span of time as now. I believe the Lord will send us another merciful revival just before His final judgment is poured out upon billions of souls across our nations.


    From left to right: Robin St. Clair (USA), Keith Malcomson (Ireland), Stanely Dissels (Holland) and Will Graham (Spain).


    WG: Finally, Keith, where can one learn more about the School and yourself?

    KM: You can contact us at or at our website or you can contact me directly here We will soon have our eleven convention messages uploaded online for free listening on video as well as audio.

    WG: Thanks so much for your time with us on Fresh Breeze today. May the School of Christ continue blessing churches both within and beyond this prodigal continent of Europe.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Fresh Breeze - School of Christ 2018: Powerful, Provoking and Prophetic