Loving a whore

Some think that the doctrine of the love of God shows a weak Lord. But the love spoken of in Hosea’s book is the most ferocious type of love that history has ever known. It is a blaze fiercer than hell itself.

    01 AUGUST 2015 · 20:54 CET


    It would not have overly hurt Hosea if God had merely commanded him to take Gomer the prostitute and have some children with her. That doesn’t crush a man. But here was the hard part. The Lord said, “Love her, Hosea!” (Hosea 3:1).

    If you separate those words from the rest of the book, it sounds like such a sweet command. What could be more delightful than ordering a man to love a woman? Surely this would be the favourite verse of many a Bible reader. But when you understand this command within its context, it constitutes one of the most horrific orders ever formulated. How can any sane man receive such a word? What must Hosea have felt? Could the lot of any mortal man be worse than this? How could Hosea love and espouse a lust-laden prostitute?

    If it were not God who had commanded Hosea thus, you would have to conclude that this commandment was downright sinful and wicked. How could anyone ask this of a man? This was surely overstepping the mark. Did not the Almighty know how much pain and hurt was entailed in this decree?

    Nevertheless, the splendour of this ‘downright sinful and wicked’ command is that it shows how God feels for us. This is what God does. He commands Himself to love us for Christ’s sake. How could He ever love us? We are the prostitutes of this story. We are Gomer. We are Hosea’s wife.

    Surely this truth should shake us to the innermost parts. Do not our bowels turn over within us? God loves us. In spite of all the hatred, coldness, punishment and venom we deserve to receive for our ceaseless fornications, the Lord still has mercy on us. Some think that the doctrine of the love of God shows a weak Lord. But the love spoken of in Hosea’s book is the most ferocious type of love that history has ever known. It is a blaze fiercer than hell itself. How can such an eternal love be possible? It goes beyond our human understanding. It is so almighty, so sovereign and so colossal. God is love. That kind of love!

    This love must be the glory of every Christian. It is a drawing force that scares off all resistance. Christ-mediated love is the peak of God’s revelation. Although we may feel disgusted at Hosea’s love for the prostitute, it is necessary to keep in mind that we are the whores.

    God loves me. God loves you. God loves Gomer. And we fall to the floor in astonished gratitude.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Fresh Breeze - Loving a whore