Evangelical Focus
09 AUGUST 2018 · 19:25 CET

A Sunday New York Times report detailed new allegations by Hybels’ former executive assistant. Lead teaching pastor Steve Carter also resigned on Sunday.

Evangelical Focus
25 APRIL 2018 · 17:59 CET

“We will examine allegations that have not been previously investigated” the church’s elders say in a lette. “Each woman willing to speak with us will be heard”.

Evangelical Focus
09 FEBRUARY 2018 · 11:21 CET

Hundreds of thousands of young immigrant students and workers face deportation this year.

09 FEBRUARY 2017 · 19:02 CET

“As Christians, we have a historic call expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering”. Signatories include Timothy and Cathy Keller, Ed Stetzer, Max Lucado and Bill and Lynne Hybels. 

Jordi Torrents
30 NOVEMBER 2016 · 12:26 CET

In New York, 3,500 people from over ninety countries were challenged to have an impact in urban areas in the spheres of action, social involvement and culture. Bill Hybels, Timothy Keller and Mac Pier among more than 50 speakers.

Jordi TorrentsEvangelical Focus
08 NOVEMBER 2016 · 11:45 CET

Movement Day Global Cities brought together 3,500 participants from 90 countries. About 50 speakers reflected in New York on the impact of the gospel in the big metropolis.