Spanish nurses presented a paper on the Reformation at international congress

“Nursing Theses: 500 years after Luther’s 95 theses” was the paper presented by evangelical professionals at a congress with 8,200 nurses from 135 countries.

    Evangelical Focus

    Protestante Digital · BARCELONA · 08 JUNE 2017 · 16:07 CET

    Some of the Christian participants of the congress. / Enfermeria Cristiana,enfermeria cristiana
    Some of the Christian participants of the congress. / Enfermeria Cristiana

    From May 27 to June 1, the International Council of Nurses congress (ICN 2017) was held in Barcelona (Spain). 8,200 nurses from 135 countries took part in the event. About 1,900 posters, 70 concurrent sessions, and 18 symposiums were presented.

    Among the participants, there was a team of professionals who are members of the Christian Nursing Group of Spain ("Enfermería Cristiana"). They had theur own stand and participated actively in the gathering.



    The Christian Nursing Group earned the chance to present a paper called "Nursing Thesis: 500 years after Luther's 95 theses".

    The paper links the historical heritage and the principles rescued in the Reformation with the care of the patients and the work of the nurses and doctors as a whole.


    A member of the Christian Nursing Group of Spain presenting the paper. / Enfermeria Cristiana

    Throughout the congress, there were other opportunities in which the role of the Christian faith in the performance of health professionals was highlighted.

    A representative of Liberia defined the qualities of a nurse and included the importance of a Christian life.

    In the stand of Christian Nursing, participants received information about the work that the group carries out at national and international level, which was an opportunity to talk with nurses from other countries.

    Around 75 people, including great experts in history, gathered for the presentation of the paper. It was "radically different presentation, because of the content, the historical point of departure as well as the contributions to the future", the group said.


    Additionally, the Congress has connected Christian nurses from different countries.

    There was a luncheon where 8 nurses of different nationalities had a time to pray and share the challenges of their work and a common concern for spiritual care.

    In this context, a nurse from Denmark, presented the International Spiritual Care Congress that will take place in Copenhagen (Denmark) from 21 to 22 September.

    The afternoon of that same day, a Spanish participant presented anoher paper about spiritual care, in front of a completely full room (about 200 people).


    Christian nurses lunch, at the congress. / Enfermeria Cristiana


    The group highlights the good atmosphere at the conference and that “at the closing ceremony the President of the Spanish Nursing Council concluded his speech by saying God bless you to the audience.”

    “Let’s pray that all the seeds that has been sowed will give fruit in due time", they conclude.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - Spanish nurses presented a paper on the Reformation at international congress