‘Same-sex marriage’ advocates build momentum in Germany
LGBT groups use Ireland’s referendum to put pressure on the government. Pro-family activists ask politicians to protect traditional marriage.
Idea Spektrum, El País · BERLIN · 15 JUNE 2015 · 17:43 CET

Germany’s Prime Minister Angela Merkel should not open the door to ‘same-sex marriage’. This is what more than 27,000 people are asking in an online initiative brought forward by 24 pro-family organizations, because “every child has the right to have a father and mother.”
Ireland’s referendum -which approved same-sex marriage- has strongly revived the debate in Germany in the last weeks.
Although Germany’s Justice Minister introduced new rights for formalized gay couples only 2 weeks ago, the LGBT movement is now asking for homosexual civil partnerships to be fully equated to marriage.
This would include the adoption of children, as it already happens in other EU countries like Holland, Sweden, Spain, the UK, Norway and France, among others.
German LGBT movement leader Klaus Jetz said that “it is not the citizens fault, who according to all polls support gay marriage, but the fault of our politicians, who are not willing to follow the example of our [European] context and other countries like Argentina and South Africa”.
Nation-wide parties in the opposition have increased their pressure on Angela Merkel’s government, and allies Social Democrats (SPD) are also asking for a new law. Even Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister of Merkel’s Conservative CDU party has voiced his opinion in favor of the LGBT movement.
But the pressure both on the political scene and on the Media has also brought many citizens to be more vocal about their defence of marriage.
“No one, no lobby no government, and no Parliament” has the right to “change or amplify the institution of marriage”, says the online petition.
Thousands could attend a new demonstration next week in Stuttgart. Organizers hope to show strong support for the traditional view of family. “Marriage and Family: Stop gender ideology and the sexualisation of our children” will be the motto.
Among those supporting heterosexual marriage are many representative Christian voices - coming both from the state Protestant Church and the free evangelical communities.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - ‘Same-sex marriage’ advocates build momentum in Germany