Addictions: 4 in 10 Christians admit use of porn

42% of practising Christians in the UK say they have a ‘porn addiction’ and over 50% admit viewing adult content online on a monthly basis.

    Premier Christianity · LONDON · 21 JANUARY 2015 · 23:45 CET

    Photo: Lena Jamie (Flickr),computer, dark room
    Photo: Lena Jamie (Flickr)

    The figures come from a new survey from Premier Christianity magazine, which is outlining the extent of the problem across the country.

    In an article, Martin Saunders said: “Pornography isn't just something unpleasant going on in the world; it's right at the heart of our churches.Why, when the Church has apparently woken up to its porn problem, is its use even more prolific than we perhaps imagined?”

    The stats:

    30% Church leaders who access porn on the Internet more than once a month
    42% Christian men who say they have a 'porn addiction'
    90% Christians who believe the Church does not adequately support those who struggle with pornography use
    75% Christian men who view pornography on a monthly or less regular basis
    10% Christian men who say they have paid for sex

    Of those who took part in the survey many called on the Church to rethink the way it addresses the issue of pornography.

    One respondent said: "Churches just need to talk about this more often, and straight up ask men individually: 'Do you look at porn?' You'll get much better results in winning the war on porn with that."

    Stopping the access of children to adult content has been high on the Government's agenda this parliament. It's asked all the major internet service providers to put an opt in system in place for new customers meaning the user would need to ask to unblock adult content.

    *The informal online survey was anonymous and invited Christians living in the UK to take part. It received over 500 responses.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - Addictions: 4 in 10 Christians admit use of porn