A stunning church grown from live trees

It took four years to grow all the trees needed to build it.

    Huffington Post · NEW ZEALAND · 21 JULY 2015 · 22:00 CET

    The 'Tree Chruch' (New Zealand) / You tube,Tree Chruch, Green Church
    The 'Tree Chruch' (New Zealand) / You tube

    "Let the trees of the forest sing, let them sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth." (1 Chronicles 16:33). Nature can be a spiritual place for many, and in the Christian tradition, references to the environment abound.

    New Zealand businessman Barry Cox decided to turn his spiritual connection to nature into a literal sanctuary by building an entire church out of trees. Cox lives on a three-acre property on the country's north island, and got inspiration for the church one day while surveying his land.

    "I walked out my back door one day and thought, 'That space needs a church' -- and so it began," he told Stuff.co.nz. "I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches. I wanted the roof and the walls to be distinctly different, to highlight the proportions, just like masonry churches."




    A 3 acre property on New Zealand's north

    He fed this interest over many years touring New Zealand, Europe and America, often on a motorbike, studying the proportions, angles, heights and pitches of church roofs, walls and porticoes.

    After planting more than 4000 trees on his 90ha dairy farm in the Waikato, Barry finally settled on a flat 1.2ha property near Cambridge. With a blank canvas, free-draining sandy loam and Mount Pirongia rising majestically in the distance, the climate, location and soil were ideal for growing specimen trees. 

    Connecting his love of trees with a desire for an income, Barry started Treelocations, a business that moves large trees (up to 6m tall) using a specially designed tree spade – a huge machine that resembles an apple corer.  Mounted on the back of a truck, it works by digging down and under the tree to scoop up cleanly the whole plant, including its vast root ball.

    There are only three such tree spades in use in New Zealand. "People know how much I love trees," says Barry, "so they call me when there are trees that would otherwise be cut-down or removed. I go and kind of rescue them."

    Rehoming semi-mature trees has enabled Barry to accelerate the landscaping of his own property, giving it the look of a project 20 years in the making rather than just four years old.

    Trading trees, growing and moving them for clients deepened Barry's connection and knowledge of them over time, reinforcing his decision to surround himself with these stately plants. Cue his next project.

    "I walked out my back door one day and thought, 'That space needs a church' – and so it began. I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches. I wanted the roof and the walls to be distinctly different, to highlight the proportions, just like masonry churches," he says.

    Alnus glutinosa 'Laciniata', or cut-leaf alder, was chosen for the roof. The variety is flexible enough to be trained over the temporary iron frame; in a few years the main branches of the alder will become the frame itself. It was important to have a sparsely foliaged deciduous type for the roof to allow the light in, especially in winter, otherwise it would be too dark for guests to see and the floor of grass would die.

    The altar has special significance: it comes from Barry's family church in Shannon, and is made of marble from Lake Como in Italy, from where his ancestors hail.

    The walls of the church are Leptospermum macrocarpum 'Copper Sheen', an Australian tea tree whose foliage is thick and textured, with a colour that resembles stone. To keep it looking lush, Barry trims it every six weeks.

    A 'Dublin Bay' rambling rose weaves its way around the top, chosen for the colour and romance it brings as well as for its long flowering season – the first blooms appear in October and it can still be in flower in June. 

    The church is set within a low border hedge of Camellia 'Black Tie', a dense hedging plant that requires little maintenance except for regular clipping. At the pathway entrance a pair of wrought iron gates, formerly on the Cox's family farm, set the tone for respectful behaviour – we are, after all, entering a church and its grounds.

    Perfectly proportioned Acer platanoides 'Globosum' rise out of the camellia hedge and stand sentry either side of the gateway. These lollipop-like trees do not grow very tall and sport bushy tops that require a little pollarding to keep them looking uniform.

    Across the walkway from the church a double-lined avenue of Betula utilis var. jacquemontii or Himalayan birch, with their snowy-white, lacquered bark, leads to a labyrinth, the design of which is based on the walls of the ancient city Jericho in 460BC. Lined with mondo grass, Barry has had to discourage pukekos from pulling up the freshly planted juveniles.




    Cox, who runs a tree relocating business, opened the 100-seat Tree Church in January, but photos and videos of the stunning edifice surfaced in July, and they are a sight to behold.

    The church and gardens are open Sundays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., according to its website. No booking is required, but admission is $10 per person. If you want to book Tree Church for a wedding or special event, it'll cost you $2,200.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - A stunning church grown from live trees