MADRID · 10 JANUARY 2015 · 18:50

Evangelical Focus

Ted Blake: Persecuted Christians in 2015

An interview with Ted Blake, director of Open Doors Spain, about the persecution of Christians worldwide, and the effects of the Islamic radicalismin our society.

    Joel Forster
    11 JUNE 2024 · 12:24

    Computer scientist Charlie Catlett comments on the cascade of new technologies coming to our mobile devices. “Those who will implement the best applications of AI are now probably in high school”.

    Joel Forster
    27 OCTOBER 2023 · 09:55

    In France, evangelical Christians are more engaged than others in ecological matters. But some are also suspicious about ideological trends, a survey has found. We asked Jean-François Mouhot, director of A Rocha, about creation care, theology and churches.

    Joel Forster
    24 OCTOBER 2023 · 17:00

    Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.

    Joel Forster
    31 OCTOBER 2022 · 13:30

    Professor John Wyatt gives a perspective as a Christian bioethics experts on issues that are provoking a huge socio-political debate in Europe. An interview ahead of his participation in the "Jornadas de Bioética" conference in Spain, December 2022.

    Joel Forster Evangelical Focus
    03 JUNE 2022 · 11:20

    What makes African Christianity different from European Christianity? Where are African churches in Europe growing most and what can they offer to a secularised continent? An interview with the pastor and head of the One People Commission in the UK.

    Daniel HofkampJoel Forster
    08 MARCH 2022 · 13:25

    Interview with Ruslan Maliuta, who serves with OneHope and WEA and was global facilitator for World Without Orphans, one week after the beginning of the Russian army's attack on the country. Recorded: 4 March 2022.

    Wissam al-Saliby
    28 OCTOBER 2021 · 13:40

    WEA Advocacy Officer Wissam al-Saliby, talks with Chris Elisara, Director of the Creation Care Taskforce at the WEA, about the evangelical role at the upcoming COP26.

    Tore Hjalmar Sævik
    01 SEPTEMBER 2021 · 09:55

    Cultural analyst Os Guiness speaks about the issues of truth, freedom, and the historic roots of emerging ideas in the Western world. An interview by Norwegian journalist Tore Hjaelmar Saevik (after brief introduction in Norwegian).

    Tore Hjalmar Sævik
    27 JULY 2021 · 09:05

    A podcast conversation between journalist Tore Hjaelmar Saevik and Evangelical Focus director Joel Forster for the Norwegian newspaper Dagen.

    Joel Forster Evangelical Focus
    07 JUNE 2021 · 13:02

    Janet Winston is a survivor of the Brussels International Airport terrorist attack in 2016. In this interview, she shares about her journey of physical, emotional and spiritual recovery.

    Joel Forster
    04 MARCH 2020 · 16:46

    The Director of the Jubilee Centre (Cambridge) analyses the impact of the financial crises on families, and the future of the workplace in a connected world, from a Christian perspective.

    Joel Forster
    25 FEBRUARY 2020 · 09:13

    Jim Memory analyses the main issues that have changed Europe in the 2010-2019 decade. How should Christians live in a continent that has lost its soul?

    14 JANUARY 2019 · 11:30

    An interview with the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance about how evangelical Christians work at the heart of the European Union.

    26 JULY 2018 · 09:07

    An interview with Lars Dahle, of the Steering Committee of the Lausanne Movement Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity held in Rome.

    24 JULY 2018 · 15:40

    Nico Spies, a Christian worker in Athens, gives details about the wildfires in Greece.
