ROME · 16 MAY 2016 · 12:00

Giovanii Traettino, during his interview with Evangelical Focus. / Joel Forster

Joel Forster

Giovanni Traettino: “Pope Francis is my brother in Christ”

Evangelical Focus asked the well-known Pentecostal pastor about his “open” approach to Roman Catholicism. Traettino defended his position about ecumenism during the Italian Evangelical Alliance 2016 assembly (8-9 April, Rome).

    1 18/04/2017 · 10:15h
    Pope Francis hold to salvation through the sacraments. This is salvation by works. This means that he is NOT in the way of salvation which is by grace alone through faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone.
    2 12/10/2016 · 17:54h
    So good to hear this brother's views on Catholicism, thank-you.