04 APRIL 2016 · 08:05

Doug Marshall. / J. Forster

Joel Forster

Refugees in Europe: the case of Malta

How is Malta a prototype of what could happen in the future in other European countries? How should we respond to far-right movements which offer 'easy solutions' to the crisis? Doug Marshall (IAFR) works with refugees in the Mediterranean island.

    23 MAY 2024 · 10:00

    Miriam Cates, an evangelical parliamentarian in Westminster, explains why she is in politics and speaks up for family, marriage, education and children’s rights.

    Joel Forster
    29 APRIL 2024 · 13:18

    Nicky Cruz’s story has impacted millions. Now a seasoned evangelist, the former New York gang leader continues to tell the message of love at the heart of the Christian gospel. An interview ahead of his participation in events in Madrid, Spain (May 2024).

    Daniel Hofkamp
    25 APRIL 2024 · 12:00

    After a sermon based on Romans 12, talking about the need to live in love, he challenged the students to stay and pray. An interview with Zachary Meerkreebs, who experienced the Asbury outpouring first hand.

    20 MARCH 2024 · 16:38

    Director Joel Forster recounts the ins and outs of the past nine years in an episode of the Lausanne Movement’s “God on the Move” podcast.

    28 FEBRUARY 2024 · 13:08

    Philip House is a soulful house founded on a life story, love for people and faith in God. People with cancer, who come to Cluj-Napoca (Romania) for treatment, find not only a place to stay, but also a place to rest for the soul. A report produced by Alfa Omega TV.

    24 NOVEMBER 2023 · 11:15

    The Open Arms Outreach initiative in the deprived Romanian area of Calarasi, has been working for 20 years now. It reaches children and other vulnerable people, and wants every church to be a community centre.

    Daniel Hofkamp
    09 NOVEMBER 2023 · 11:39

    An interview with the British theologian and cultural analyst about the cultural moment in Europe and the role of Christians in society.

    27 SEPTEMBER 2023 · 12:01

    Businesses must check their supply chains for any form of exploitation, says the European Freedom Network, a movement of Christian organisations fighting modern slavery.

    Daniel Hofkamp
    30 JUNE 2023 · 08:30

    “Our goal with technology should be to have more healthy humans, not to create some kind of super humans”, says the bioethics expert in an interview with Evangelical Focus.

    Daniel Hofkamp
    27 JUNE 2023 · 10:24

    The film, which is landing in European cinemas, connects a controversial story in the Old Testament to the good news of the gospel message.

    Joel Forster Daniel Hofkamp
    19 JUNE 2023 · 09:51

    What are the challenges posed by the exponential evolution of AI in recent months, and should we be optimistic about the future? Computer scientist Charlie Catlett, a researcher of the internet since the early days in the 1990s, answers key questions.

    Daniel Hofkamp
    16 JUNE 2023 · 11:09

    An interview with Pete Lupton of NePornu (Czech Republic).

    Joel Forster
    31 MAY 2023 · 18:00

    An interview with Jonas Engström, a Swedish choir director and composer with a passion for Gospel music.


    Peter Wooding
    10 MAY 2023 · 15:19

    Around 120 leaders from 30 countries shared knowledge and prayed together for their work in the continent.

    19 APRIL 2023 · 11:52

    (Activate youtube subtitles for English). Watch the reactions of mayor Antonio Muñoz and evangelical representatives at the event held in the Sourthern Spanish city on 13 April.
