Evangelical Focus
03 JUNE 2021 · 17:30 CET

Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.

04 MARCH 2021 · 09:38 CET

Psychologist Diane Langberg will address the theme “Redeeming power: understanding authority and abuse in the church” in an online event hosted by the Forum of Christian Leaders.

29 JANUARY 2021 · 11:00 CET

In spring, the European Leadership Forum offers 3-hour long master classes with Stefan Gustavsson (Sweden), Diane Langberg (US), Peter Saunders (UK) and Leonardo De Chirico (Italy).

07 FEBRUARY 2017 · 15:27 CET

Counselor Diane Langberg on how to listen to victims well.

13 JUNE 2016 · 16:20 CET

Churches that have gone through difficult times often unconsciously give space to news “messianic leaders” with a non-Biblical leadership, says Diane Langberg, Clynical Psychologist.