Evangelical Focus
01 JUNE 2018 · 16:25 CET

The no-confidence motion has passed with the support of 180 MPs. There was one abstention and 169 MPs voted against it.

Evangelical Focus
03 MAY 2018 · 16:11 CET

The Basque terrorist group announces its disbandment in Geneva. 853 people were killed and thousands injured in the Basque Country and the rest of Spain since 1968.

Evangelical Focus
26 MARCH 2018 · 11:11 CET

Former President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont has been taken into custody in Germany. Thousands take the streets in cities and towns.

Evangelical Focus
22 DECEMBER 2017 · 10:08 CET

The snap election called by Prime Minister Rajoy leaves an even bigger polarisation in Catalonia. Evangelical leaders call believers to become peacemakers.

Evangelical Focus
27 OCTOBER 2017 · 15:36 CET

Catalan President Puigdemont and his government will be dismissed with the application of article 155 of the Spanish constitution. An uncertain scenario opens after the hopes for dialogue evaporate.

Evangelical Focus
11 OCTOBER 2017 · 15:19 CET

Prime Minister Rajoy has asked Catalan President Puigdemont to confirm whether or not he has declared independence. It is the first step towards suspending Catatonia’s autonomy.

Evangelical Focus
04 OCTOBER 2017 · 16:14 CET

Catalan President speaks of declaring independence in the “next few days”. Evangelicals call politicians to “deactivate the conflict with honest and sincere dialogue”.

Evangelical Focus
02 OCTOBER 2017 · 11:09 CET

Riot police used violence to prevent the vote from happening in Barcelona and other cities. Catalan President Puigdemont asks “Europe to get involved” and says he could declare unilateral independence in the next few days.

Evangelical Focus
21 SEPTEMBER 2017 · 10:22 CET

Tens of thousands protest in Barcelona while police raids Catalan government offices to stop unauthorised independence referendum. “As Spanish Evangelical Alliance, we are worried and feel pain seeing the crisis in Catalonia”.

Evangelical FocusJoel Forster
27 JUNE 2016 · 10:43 CET

The PM gets one third of the votes and widens the distance with the Leftist parties. Agreement with other parties is still needed to end the half-year long political deadblock.

Joel Forster Evangelical Focus
21 DECEMBER 2015 · 18:31 CET

Emergent parties Podemos (left) and Ciudadanos (centre-right) get one in three votes. No clear government for the first time in democracy.