Building supportive community for parents, carers, and guardians of children with additional needs

Together, we can help people who journey with children with additional needs to find the trusting friendships and community that they often so badly need.

    02 AUGUST 2024 · 15:08 CET

    Photo via <a target="_blank" href=""> Additional Needs Blogfather </a>.,

    Parenting and caring for a child (of any age) with additional needs can often feel isolating and lonely.

    People often talk about their ‘world’ being very small, and their group of friends and people that ‘get it’ being even smaller.

    That’s why bringing parents, carers, and guardians, of children with additional needs together to chat, share, encourage, and build friendships, can be so important and valuable.

    I recently had the privilege of running a ‘fire circle’ evening for parents, carers, and guardians, at a large Christian summer festival event.

    The adults gathered for a couple of hours outside of a venue specially set up as a support and refuelling hub for them during the week

    While the children (of all ages) were supported in their own groups, the adults gathered for a couple of hours outside of a venue specially set up as a support and refuelling hub for them during the week.

    We lit a fire and gathered around it to chat, share our stories, and encourage each other.

    Small conversation groups formed, no-one was left out, and as everyone relaxed in the knowledge that this was a safe space where everyone ‘got it’ there was a tangible sense of people being helped as they recognised that here there was no judgement, no lack of understanding, no need to apologise for anything. We were all the same.

    Building supportive community for parents, carers, and guardians of children with additional needs

     Photo: Additional Needs Blogfather.

    People toasted marshmallows, bread and cheese, and chopped peppers (sometimes all at the same time!) as they chatted, forming friendships over fire and food.

    Everyone stayed, and even when we had to wrap things up there were still folk wanting to carry on the conversations.

    So many people said how valuable the evening had been. To gather with other parents, carers, and guardians, who are on a similar journey to themselves; to not feel so isolated and alone; to forge connections and friendships; all was hugely helpful.

    We’ll do it again I’m sure. Last year we did a session like this just for the dads and I had one Dad come up to me this year to say not only how much he had found last year’s session helpful, but that a year later he had bumped into other Dad’s who he had met then and they were all pleased to be reconnected again.

    For any dads or dad figures that would like to join an online group, here’s one I’ve been running for a while that meets monthly around a ‘virtual’ fire:

    Maybe you could gather a few other parents, carers, and guardians together near you to help create mutual friendship and support

    Maybe you could gather a few other parents, carers, and guardians of children with additional needs together near you to help create mutual friendship and support. If you would like some help to get this going, contact me and I’ll gladly support you.

    In our case, an inexpensive portable fire pit, some fuel, some food, a bit of suitable space, and a heart to help, was all we needed.

    Together, we can help people who journey with children of any age with additional needs to find the trusting friendships and community that they often so badly need.

    Let’s work to make sure no-one feels isolated and alone; will you join me? Do share your own stories or examples of supportive communities that you are aware of.

    Here’s one I co-founded with my good friend Kay Morgan-Gurr about 12 years ago that now reaches about 3,500 people:

    Let’s share more ways that parents, carers, and guardians of children with additional needs can connect, feel valued, and find friendship.

    Mark Arnold, Director of Additional Needs Ministry at Urban Saints. Arnold blogs at The Additional Needs Blogfather. This article was re-published with permission.


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    Published in: Evangelical Focus - The Additional Needs Blogfather - Building supportive community for parents, carers, and guardians of children with additional needs