Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges

Several groups in neighbouring Spain have set up channels to give. Christians in Morocco join the efforts to support survivors.

    Evangelical Focus

    Protestante Digital · MADRID · 20 SEPTEMBER 2023 · 15:07 CET

    The most needed aid: food, blankets, clothes and tents for those who have lost their homes. / <a target="_blank" href="https://www.pminternacional.org/">PM Internacional</a>,
    The most needed aid: food, blankets, clothes and tents for those who have lost their homes. / PM Internacional

    The situation in the aftermath of the earthquake in Morocco is still of great need.

    After a week of clearing rubble and beginning to process the mourning for the dead, there is much to be done to help those who have lost their homes or livelihoods. Around 3,000 people have been confirmed dead and over 5,600 have been injured.

    Morocco is a country with a political structure that makes it difficult for non-governmental organisations to take action. Even this week, some organisations were lamenting the problems they face at the border to bring in basic goods, such as clothing.


    Evangelicals in Spain in action

    In this difficult context, some evangelical organisations and churches in the neighbouring Spain (which has border cities Ceuta and Melilla as well as direct maritime transport with ferries) are deploying their strategies to help in very specific areas.

    Since a week ago, the Baptist Union (UEBE) has been collecting funds to help in Morocco. Its general secretary, Daniel Banyuls, confirmed to Spanish news website Protestante Digital that there is a team of volunteers on the ground since Monday, buying food, tents and distributing aid directly to those affected.

    Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges

    "The personal strategy is the only one that seems possible at the moment, as it is impossible to send a container for now", explains the Baptist organisation, which is in touch with aid workers in Morocco, although there are days when this contact is difficult due to Internet outages.

    The Spanish Federation of Assemblies of God (FADE) has also launched a fundraising campaign among its churches and for those who want to contribute. The FADE team has experience in dealing with crises such as the one in Morocco.

    PM International is present in Morocco, with its staff helping in areas hit by the earthquake. Thanks to donations, "we are able to buy tents, water, food, blankets, nappies and other essential needs, but above all, hope," they said on their social media.

    Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges


    Great need

    GAiN is another organisation that is helping in Morocco, responding to the catastrophe "through our trusted local partner on the ground", explained Miqueas Forster, director of GAiN Spain, in a newsletter sent a few days after the earthquake.

    "In the coming weeks, we will provide essential assistance to the families most affected by the earthquake by delivering basic goods (such as blankets) and seeking temporary shelter solutions".

    "We will focus on areas where there is currently not enough humanitarian aid arriving", the NGO announced. "Together, we can respond with hope and love to every family that has been severely affected by the earthquake".

    World Vision is also offering to channel aid through the platform where they are involved in responding to emergencies, along with five other NGOs. The NGO "is not present in Morocco, but our response unit is gathering more information on the severity of the crisis from established disaster sources. We will be accompanying the people of Morocco and the rescue teams in the country," said Eloisa Molina, World Vision's director of communications.

    Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges


    Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges