Italian evangelical missionary unhurt in Nepal

Thirty-nine year old Zivic, working with Athletes for Christ in Nepal: “There is a lot of news coming out but I ask you to pray for the many people who have lost everything.”

      · Translated by Karen Brooker Villani · KATHMANDU · 30 APRIL 2015 · 18:07 CET

    Photo: United Mission to Nepal,nepal, new
    Photo: United Mission to Nepal

    “There has been a huge earthquake, 7.9, thank God, I am alright”. Just a few lines on a social network from Diego Zivic, an evangelical missionary, to reassure the numerous people in contact with him that he was alright.

    Thirty-nine year old Zivic, one time professional basketball player and witness for Athletes for Christ, has been living in the Nepalese capital for about a year and working with the Christian organization WEC International and evangelizing the local community.

    After the earthquake on Saturday Zivic reported that he and other co-workers “were given permission to briefly return to their homes to get suitable warm covering for the night” which they would spend in the open air on a basketball court some distance from buildings that risked collapsing since it was likely there would be further ground settling tremors.”



    On Sunday, Diego Zivi wrote: “I am at home recharging my mobile phone and to check on the situation. Thank God the house is okay and there are no cracks. About 2 hours ago there was another strong tremor, about 6.7, and it lasted longer than the previous one. Thank God I am safe in the church of Kicc which is anti-seismic.”

    “There is a lot of news coming out but I ask you to pray for the many people who have lost everything and for the many victims. In these circumstances we ask that we may be a light and witness to how great our God is and how much he loves us. Nepalese news sources say that tomorrow there will be another big tremor but we don’t know when so pray harder for protection and for this country which desperately needs prayer.”



    Diego’s mother wriote on Monday: “Early this morning I had news of Diego. They had quite a peaceful night with only two tremors but, thank God, they all managed to sleep. He is awaiting news on what to do, hoping there are no more tremors and that he can go home.”

    On Wedenesday, Diego wrote: “After another night spent in the open air but without any further tremors, I am back home. Many of you have written to ask how to help the Nepalese people in this mega crisis. Up to now I didn’t really know what to say but now the situation is clearer I can respond.”

    “There are three Christian organizations in contact with all the churches and they have been working in the remote villages since the first earthquake. These organizations know better than anyone what the present real needs are and how to manage them in the most effective and efficient way. They are: International Nepalese FellowshipTearfundUnited Mission to Nepal (UNM).”

    Evangelical Focus also informed about additional Christian organisations helping in Nepal at the moment

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Italian evangelical missionary unhurt in Nepal