The act of consecration by Pope Francis will include this prayer: "O Mother, hear our prayer. Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war. Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world".
The gospel is still obscured by centuries of unwillingness to expose the church to a time of doctrinal reformation and by scores of devotional practices that lead the faithful astray.
The apartment he lives in is replete with Marian images. The rooms where he officially meets with people are furnished with portraits of Mary. His own daily clothes carry objects associated with Mary.
Mariology is a testcase that provides an opportunity to see to what extent the Trinity and Christology belong to the shared faith.
An old tree falls on dozens of pilgrims as they waited to see an image of Virgin Mary in Madeira.
The word rosary means “crown of roses”. The conviction behind this expression is that Mary has revealed that each time people say a “Hail Mary” they are giving her a rose.
“We realise that there is a need and a conviction in relation to the divine”, says António Calaim. Hundreds of young evangelicals will engage Catholics in conversations about the Bible.
The word “evangelization” is used across the spectrum of the Christian world. The question is: What is the meaning of it? How is it defined? What does it refer to?
Protestants find it difficult to come to terms with this Marian dogma. This is due to not finding even a hint of evidence for this belief in the Bible.
Five reasons why I cannot pray to the Virgin Mary.
Catholics believe that Mary is the Mother of the Church. Firstly, she gave birth to Jesus; and secondly, because of John 19:27.
Vatican expert Leonardo de Chirico analises "celebrity" status of Pope Francis and shares insight from an Italian point of view.
Reports say that the puzzled crowd that was sitting and standing in the Vatican basilica shouted “Holy Mother of God” three times as the Pope had instructed.