Around 50,000 prayed for Argentina’s future in Buenos Aires
The initiative led by evangelicals was held simultaneously in 210 cities of the country. “People from very diverse ideological backgrounds came to pray here. What unites us is our love for Christ.”
Clarín, Protestante Digital · BUENOS AIRES · 29 MAY 2017 · 17:05 CET

Under the rain, around 50,000 evangelical Christians gathered in the centre of Buenos Aires for a special day of prayer for the “recovery of Argentina” on May, 25th.
In the midst of high political and social tension, the initiative led by evangelical Christians was called “Against no one, in favour of everyone, Argentina prays.”
“We pray to God for the nation, for the authorities and for unity, we pray that the country recovers from the evil of drugs traffic, violence, corruption and the disintegration of family”, Jorge Gómez, the leader of the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches (Aciera, which unites 12,000 churches), said. The organisation Argentina We Pray For You and the Council of Pastors of Buenos Aires were also involved in the organisation of this inter-denominational event.
“We need to come closer to God and invoke his protection, because, as the Preamble of our Constitution says: He is the source of all reasons and justice”, Gómez added, in the scenario that was set up near the ‘Obelisco’ national symbol.
Prayers and songs of worship were sung and everyone was invited to “seek God.”
“The aim of this massive gathering is to heal the famous divide in Argentina. People from very diverse ideological backgrounds came to pray here. What unites us is our love for Christ”, pastor Osvaldo Carnival said.
He added that the estimations are that Argentina has around 6 million evangelical Christians.
The day of prayer, which has been recognised by the Secretariat of Religion of the Argentinian Government, was also held in other 210 cities – at the same hour.
Many arrived to the centre of Buenos Aires in coaches, organised by hundreds of organisations who took part in the gathering. Other used public transportation. Some attended the event alone, others as a family, other with members from their local church.
The Roque Sáenz Peña Avenue was packed. The multitude filled the avenue for a length of more than three blocks. Big screens were set up to help everyone follow what was happening on the main scenario.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Around 50,000 prayed for Argentina’s future in Buenos Aires