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Evangelicals in Melilla help victims of invisible prostitution

Prostitutes are moved from the streets to private houses, making it difficult to detect and help them. The evangelical NGO Fiet Gratia works to offer them a way out.

Evangelical Focus

Protestante Digital · MELILLA · 03 MARCH 2022 · 16:00 CET

The Project Rescue team of the NGO Fiet Gratia prepares aid kits for victims of sexual exploitation / NGO Fiet Gratia.,
The Project Rescue team of the NGO Fiet Gratia prepares aid kits for victims of sexual exploitation / NGO Fiet Gratia.

An in-depth report in the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla recently highlighted the work that the Christian NGO Fiet Gratia is carrying out in the Spanish city through the “Rescue Project” to assist victims of sexual exploitation.

Although prostitution seems to be largely absent from the city's streets, there are still networks operating mainly in private houses, which makes it difficult to contact women involved on it.

However, Fiet Gratia's director, Fiona Bellshaw, explained that they seek to help women who are often struggling to even feed their children, and up to 21 women in the city receive weekly assistance from the NGO team.


Prostitution has worsened after coronavirus

According to its staff, who work in seven regions with this programme based on assistance, help and, if possible, the rescue of these women from the world of prostitution, prostitution has even worsened for many women with the arrival of Covid-19.

Fiet Gratia's multidisciplinary team goes to women who are possible victims of human trafficking and who are in a situation of sexual exploitation, many of them in a context of great vulnerability.

“There are many women in Melilla who, because of the pandemic, being trapped in the city and having no other possibilities, are an easy target for people who can take advantage of this situation and end up leading them into prostitution”, said Bellshaw.


Safe houses

The team has also noticed an increase in the number of women in prostitution in Spain in the aftermath of the pandemic. These are women who cannot find any other way to support themselves or to have some income for their children's needs.

These women are not in prostitution because they want to be. “Even in situations that are not identified as human trafficking, these are women who are victims of many other things in life”, pointed out Bellshaw.

The NGO offers comprehensive help to each woman according to her need. Furthermore, they provide psychological assistance through the telephone with three psychologists, who can be called when a woman is very anxious and needs to be listened to, even if she is in a prostitution house.

Fiet Gratia also has three shelters for women who are victims of human trafficking or prostitution. There they receive multidisciplinary care and support, as well as training opportunities so that they can build a different future for themselves.

You can read the full report here (in Spanish)

Published in: Evangelical Focus - cities - Evangelicals in Melilla help victims of invisible prostitution