6 years of Evangelical Focus

In a year shaped by the pandemic, our daily news website continued to offer cultural analysis from a Biblical perspective. Visits grew 22% as people from all over the world accessed Evangelical Focus contents.


    A public sign in Switzerland asks citizens to wear masks. / <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/@jan_huber">Jan Huber</a>, Unsplash, CC0,
    A public sign in Switzerland asks citizens to wear masks. / Jan Huber, Unsplash, CC0

    For the Evangelical Focus team, January is always a month to look back. It was on 8th January 2015 when we first launched this journalistic project.

    6 years later, we can only thank God for the open doors he has put in our (digital) way. About one decade ago, He gave a group of people the vision to start an information platform to serve the church in Europe and elsewhere. Now over 260 authors have contributed to this vision using Evangelical Focus.

    2020 was the year of the pandemic, a year of accelerated changes that transformed our lives – often for worse. But as many certainties arond us were shaken, these moment of history has also become a time to stop and reflect on how we can be Christ-centred and mission-orientated churches in a new and uncertain scenario.

    At Evangelical Focus we will continue to be a non-profit journalistic project that aims to give a voice to Christians who have a Biblical worldview and an attitude of service and cooperation.

    We continue to have a passion to help build bridges between evangelical churches and all of society. And we continue committed to do our part as we join God’s mission in Europe.


    More readers, more countries

    We have been very encouraged to see that our readership continues to grow. Our end of year statistics show that Evangelical Focus received over 740,000 visits in 2020, compared to 603,000 in 2019. This is a significant increase of +22.6%.

    See our most read stories last year.

    The top ten European countries that visited our site were (in this order): United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, France, Italy, Ireland and Switzerland.

    But tens of thousands visited Evangelical Focus from other parts of the world, notably from the United States, Canada, India, Philippines, Australia, South Africa and Nigeria. In fact, only North Korea recorded no visits to our website in 2020.

    If we look more closely to the statistics, we find that London, New York, Lagos, Singapore, Sidney, Nairobi and Braga were some of the cities that most visited this site last year (see map below).

    Map shows cities with hundreds of visits to Evangelical Focus between January and December 2021. / Google Analytics

     Map shows major CITIES with over one hundred visits to Evangelical Focus between January-December 2020. / Google Analytics


    Thank you for your trust

    Once again, we want to use this opportunity to thank all of you for your trust and support in these challenging times.

    We continue to be impressed by the generosity and commitment of our authors and translators, as well as the people who sustain our journalistic work.

    Please use Evangelical Focus in this year ahead!

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    - Send your own local news and articles to readersblog(at)evangelicalfocus.com.

    - Learn more about us and give to make Evangelical Focus sustainable. You can start by just giving 1€/month.

    We value the opinion of all who read and share our contents. You can send your feedback, questions and suggestions to office(at)evangelicalfocus.com

    May God bless you and give you joy in this year ahead!

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Editorial - 6 years of Evangelical Focus