A Christmas to trust the King who is in control

In 2020, some have been ‘dethroned’. Others have had to admit that their power was much more limited than they thought. But this is good news for those who trust in Jesus Christ.

    24 DECEMBER 2020 · 10:10 CET

    Photo: <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/@joshuaearle">Joshua Earle</a>, Unsplash CC0.,
    Photo: Joshua Earle, Unsplash CC0.

    It is finally Christmas. A year full of drastic changes caused by a major global crisis is coming to its end.

    Some will experience these Christmas days alone, due to the heavy social distancing restrictions. Others, with a big uncertainty about whether their workplace will resist the economic storm in the months to come.

    Some will spend these days ahead thinking about a loved one they have lost in the fight against the coronavirus. Others will feel relieved to finally have some rest and ‘disconnection’ after stressful months of work and extra efforts.


    This year has shown us all that we are not in control of our lives. We now know better than before that we are fragile and dependent, and that our destiny is not in our hands.

    Our societies have also proved to be weaker than we thought. We have seen the hidden issues of the systems on which our countries are built, the disorientation of our political leaders, the instability of our economies, and the insufficiency of our medical knowledge.

    Technology and science have played a big role but – contrary to what some ideologies have been saying in the last decade – they have not proved to be trustworthy objects of our faith. Not when we are surprised by suffering.


    A King who is in control

    In telling us about the Nativity, the Bible speaks of a king who could not control the events happening around him. The birth of a baby disrupted all the securities of Herodes as he discovered his incapacity of remaining in control of his small kingdom. All the means put into place to limit the repercussions of Jesus’ birth were not enough to stop the new-born king, the ruler the stars had announced.

    This year’s Covid Christmas reminds us of this reality. We are not in control of our lives  - and less so over the happenings around us.

    In 2020, some have been ‘dethroned’. Others have had to admit that their power was much more limited than they thought. In Europe and elsewhere, we all have been humiliated in our grandiloquence.

    But this is good news for those who trust in Christ. It is a new opportunity to freely give our crowns to the King of Glory. The Messiah who came to be with us, take our place in a Cross, and offer us an unbreakable hope. He is in charge, and this brings us joy.

    At Evangelical Focus we want to rest in this Saviour, knowing that our journalistic project is also in His hands, not in ours. Therefore, our team will take a week off during which this website will be updated with a lower frequency. God willing, we will be back to work in January.

    No matter how 2020 ends for you, we wish you a wonderful Christmas time of re-discovering the goodness and trustworthiness of Jesus Christ - the King.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Editorial - A Christmas to trust the King who is in control

    1 25/12/2020 · 19:43h
    Debbie Haughland Chan
    A blessed Christmas to all of you at Evangelical Focus!