Belief in God “important” for only 32% of young German Protestants
National “Youth Study” interviews population aged 12 to 25. In contrast with Christians, 75% of young Muslims see their faith in Allah as a priority.
BERLIN · 14 OCTOBER 2015 · 16:07 CET

Young Muslims in Germany have a much higher view of their belief in Allah than Protestants and Catholics of their belief in God.
A study comissioned by the German government Family Department gives a general view of what the younger generations of Germans thinks about God. One interesting fact highlighted in a information by Idea agency is the difference in the perception of God that can be found comparing those who define themselves as Christians (Catholics and Protestants) and to those who define themselves as Muslims.
The “Youth Study” interviewed more than 2,000 people aged 12-25.
Only 32% of young Protestants think their belief in God is “important.” Among Catholics, the percentage is a bit higher: 39%. In contrast, the importance of faith in Allah is clear for three in four Muslims.
Asking all youth about the existence of a God, 26% agreed with the sentence “I believe there is a personal God.” Another 21% identified with “I believe there is a power beyond us.”
24% responded “I am not sure what to believe” and 27% said they did not believe in any god at all.
Asked about prayer, 9% of the interviewed said they pray at least once every day. Another 11% prays once every week and 45% pray sometimes (once a month or at least once a year). 29% never pray.
The study also asked their opinion about the “Church.” Two of every three thought it is good that it exists. But 64% also said that “the Church needs to change if it wants to have a future.”
A majority (57%) of young Germans thinks the churches have no answers to the relevant questions of life.
The study commissioned by the government asked about many other areas of society. It showed that only 64% think of having offspring in the future, although most would educate their children in a similar way as their parents educated them.
Seven in ten young Germans fear terrorist attacks, and six in ten, wars. Most define themselves “very tolerant”, but 29% admit they “fear immigration.”
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Belief in God “important” for only 32% of young German Protestants